Yeah you definitely hit the nail on the head. I am finding the peat moss when dry does not stay packed together the medium is gets light Almost like i can just pull plant right out and the netting doesn’t do justice. With seedlings a little over 10days will I risk killing them if I transplant now since they may not have many roots developed yet? And does it matter transplanting day vs night or dusk vs dawn? Sorry probably a dumb question but this is my very first true go around with growing
The netting is not a problem. Roots will grow through it like it isn’t there. Transplant into bigger pots with potting soil that has some water holding capacity. i.e. Fox Farm Whatever. The jiffy’s are for germination an will dry out too quickly. Turn all your colors of leds on and place them very close to the plants. When you have 3-5 sets of leaves switch to hps and start at 2-3 feet. Slowly lower your lights as the plants mature and get a “sun tan” and can take more light. They will let you know if they are too close (burn) or too far away (stretch). Talk to your plants. They listen. Good luck. Take these idiots here with a grain of salt. Myself included!
I don’t remember the time of day, I performed the act as soon as I read about from other farmers. I let the soil dry out, cut the netting and with gentleness, picked up the plant by the neck, sort of shook her of loose peat and placed her into a premade hole in a plain jane potting soil (no nutrients in the soil), which was prewetted.
Good luck tranx them.
I don’t use hps so I wouldn’t know
How about LED any suggestions on settings? I have red white blue option and have them set in blue white light should it just be blue for now or blue and red etc. and do I have enough watts for seedling to veg stage?
Totally appreciate your insight and expertise
Yeah hps will burn podlings had it happen 2 me and I think your seeding light needs to be stronger
So when I am starting seeds I actually use a dome w jus a t5 whitet flouresent it works really well for all my plants asking as the rooms the right temp but I have also started seeds in a small tent back in the day an I use white and blue flouresent and it worked verry well so I use the white and blue flouresent on the botom of my big tent w 1600 wats of white red and blue led on top but that’s rooted clones not seedlings
@420_x8le those are looking alot better than last time great job … Turn on all the settings don’t worry about the spectrum just pump out as much light as possible
Actually, if you do get any stretching out of the seedlings, it can be red light contributing to it.
As long as they stay nice and compact all should be well but if they do stretch and start to get elongated stems them the blue and white light only can help with tighter node spacing
In the beginning
I’ll probably start an argument by saying this; I used those once and only once. The seedling would not mature, just stayed small, upon investigation I found out I was not the only farmer that had problems with the peat pods. It has something to do with the wrapping (netting holding the peat) as well as where the peat was produced from. Anyway, back to my plants I cut the netting away and with great care separated the seedling’s roots from as much of the peat as I could and transplanted the seedlings into soil. After a few days getting out of their shock, they took hold and I was able to save most of my crop.
Those red blue lights are horrible and I’m sorry to say that go to to this site
This is what I use for my veg then move to my 1000 watt led hlg growmau5 rig for flower the link I sent works great I started where u r are used the blue red purple lights and believed the hype on amazon dont lol this light from hlg works
I been plugging along with the LED lights I bought in addition to my 600w hps light my ph has been 7.0. I been just using the LED lights since my last post. I put the plants in the soil and Im almost at week 8. How am I doing? I noticed some plants on their stems there a nodes with 3 sets of leaves and then the next set of nodes has 5 do i have a mutation situation??? Today i switched from LED TO 600w hps. Also note the pictures shown plants were just watered. I think i can keep tjem in veg longer but want input from all you guys…SOS
They should be fine under the low watt light - 600 hps is too much for them for now! I agree that planting in normal potting compost would make it easier to regulate watering…Good luck with them they are fairly robust plants that tolerate while you learn
I spray the bottoms of the pellets every couple days. Roots will appear in 10 days or so. Cut back any dying portions. Make sure the dome isn’t filled with moisture everyday. Occasionally wipe out some of the moisture on the dome cover if it’s alot.