Spiders ? Yes or no

So I have read in a few diff books to leave spiders in ur plants kuz they eat other bugs and work as a security system to ur out door plants so I found this guy has made him self a base in the gorilla glue should I remove him :+1: or :-1:
U make the choice

Absolutely… they eat seriously great amounts… but they also eat the good bugs…

If you want a bug eater try a preying mantis,but only 1 at atime

They are territorial…then bite the head off the male…lol…kind of like my last 2 exes…lol…


They do it too…Lady Bugs are the best for aphids etc… they only eat negative shit…in my experience…

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They definitely don’t care for their own kind. I started out with 2, & they killed each other every time. So now I just put 1 about 1" long , then I usually forget about it… until I ‘m eyeballin’ the girls & look out the corner of my eye & he’s eyeballing me &long!!


For sure spiders are good guys that help keep our plants clean. Big or tiny protect my hemp.
Kyle M


I have always left them in but figured I’d see what evryones opinions were on the subject but thank u all

Hi @shmodyshmott!
Is it a jumping spider? The jumping spiders of the gender Lycosa are very useful because they don’t make webs, they are actively hunting for food and moves from plant to plant searching for their prey. Lycosa means Wolf, the wolf spider.

Greetings from Ecuador!


Wolf spiders in Canada or what we call wolf spiders are web makers and huge…lol… but they eat so many bad insects that they are still worth it…

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I keep spiders out of my garden they leave webs everywhere and end up in your dried buds.

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As long as it’s not harmful to humans such as black widow or brown recluse I’d leave it

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…lol… I am extracting and cool with webs… webs on my commercial parts make them not commercial… 1 spider can eat a shit load of stuff off quite a few plants…

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Its a high rise condominium!