Storage length of time and should I vacuum seal?

Approximately how long does hang-dried cannabis last in a sealed glass jar before it goes bad? I harvested and dried the product contained in these jars a little over a month ago. Every few days I open the jar to let fresh air in so that the curing process takes place (is that the proper way to cure?). There is still a strong aroma from each jar when opened and I try to keep the jars as tightly sealed as possible. Should I vacuum seal the cannabis, or does that crush and ruin it? I do not smoke, I de-carbolize(sp?) a small portion at a time and add a pinch or so to a mug of hot tea.
This forum has always been so helpful to this newbie, so I continue being greatly appreciative of everyone’s help and suggestions!


I use Cvaults and have stored it in them for up to 2 years with 62% boveda packs and the weed stayed potent. I personally wouldn’t vacuum seal the weed unless I was going to freeze it, and then I would have it in a small container so it wouldn’t get crushed.


Thank you! I have not heard of CVaults nor boveda. Does freezing (after being vacuum sealed) negatively affect it in any way?


I really don’t know, I only freeze weed if I’m going to make bubble hash! Lol!


Never heard of that!

3 Likes has the best prices on cvaults I have found if your interested in them.


How I prevent mold when curing and storing an maintain potency:

The optimal range for humidity inside the jars to allow the curing process to take place is between 60 and 65%. Using a cheap but effective hygrometer makes it extremely easy to control RH inside your jars.

Now the bud starts to sweat. During the first week, a few times a day, roll the jars to separate the buds a little, then remove the lid and let the bud “breathe”. This is called “burping” and removes excess moisture while the oxygen level is being kept spot on. Keep an eye on your hygrometer to keep the RH between 60-65%. If the RH exceeds 65%, empty the jar on a newspaper, spread the buds out and let them ‘dry’ for 30-60mins.

The next weeks you can start to decrease the amount of times you burp your jars. I.e.: 1 time/day, then 1time/week, …
After a minimum of 30 days, you may start noticing strong aromas when opening your jar.
You might also let it cure longer. Some of the best buds I smoked were cure for 6 months and longer.

Glass mason jars (wide-mouths are the easiest) are a great option! Make sure jars are around 3/4 full to prevent too much air being stored in with the cannabis and the buds are also not packed too tight together. Cannabis stored in airtight glass jars with a humidity pack in a cool, dark place will maintain the potency for around +1 year.

Vacuum sealed bags are also good for long term storage.

Freezing is a great way if you want to store longer than above. It doesn’t negatively affect your bud no, it maintains the potency for multiple years even. BUT! And this is important. When being frozen the trichomes are extremely vulnerable because they become brittle ofcourse and will easily break off. To prevent this, avoid handling frozen bud at all times. Best way would be freezing in glass jars OR vacuum sealed bags (I love the vacuum sealed bags, then in the freezer -combo). Make sure other things can’t crush your cannabis and don’t move em around too much.

Letting the buds get back to room temperature before you start handling them will prevent damaging, losing trichomes dramatically.

While freezing is great, stay away from the fridge. Cannabis in the fridge mold easier. So go for: or the cool dark cabinet/cupboard/basement/whatever cool and dark OR freezing.

Sorry for the long post guys.
:v: :monkey:


Tip of my hat to you, MM! Thank you so much. I am learning so much each time I log onto this site.
Now if I could only get my current plants to grow more full and less “spindly.” I did not see a positive change when growing in the 3x3x6 Vivosun grow tent I bought. I had an air exhaust fan, a standard table fan for air circulation, and several grow bulbs and bright daylight bulbs. I have now just moved the plants out of the tent and have the lights shining on them except for 6 hours off. The seedlings are about two months old but only 15" or so in height. I see so many photos here of big, bushy, healthy plants and wonder what you guys do to get them so nice. I use General Hydroponics nutrients as well. The seeds are really expensive doing this trial and error method of growing.


I do both. I punch holes in the metal lids of jars and then vacuum pack the whole jar. I then put that in a mylar light proof bag and heat seal it and into the freezer. This of course after dry and cure. I’ll let you know in 6 months or so if it works.

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No worries, we’ll help you get there :slight_smile: Plant training and sufficient lighting are most important to achieve that. Any grows coming up soon?


HeyMM420: Here are some photos from this morning. I have some AK47 and White Widow; two of which are from clones (first try at cloning). I’m using 10 LED lights; three are grow-lights and seven are very bright daylight color. The lights are on 18 hours.
Does that look like enough light? The plants appear healthy and are growing fairly quickly.


I just store weed in glass containers that have Rubbermaid lids on them. The GF bought them , I didn’t. But I’m not gonna buy amber colored mason jars if I don’t have to. No light hits my glass anyways, I store the glass covered Rubbermaid containers in my dresser. Enough containers to hold at least 12 ounces, if my harvest is greater then that I will sell or trade any extra.


Great information here, and always good to know how to store your cannabis in the best way possible. One thing I always try and include is a Boveda pack, can say it has improved my buds in the long run.

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I believe that vacuum seal is not viewed as that great because it causes the product to contract and then when it’s opened later it will expand. This causes unnecessary strain (lol).

Edit: got contract and expand mixed up i think