Strain or pot size?

I have a Strawberry Amnesia and a Critical Super Silver Haze in about their 3rd week of flower. The only difference between the 2, other than the strain, is the SA is in a 50L pot and the CSSH is in a 21L pot. Using AN basic trio with beginner amendments. At first I thought N deficency but now am leaning toward sulfur. The CSSH is not showing the problem. I don’t know if it’s due to pot size or the strain. Today is full water day so I’m going to dump some extra epsome salts in the SA to see if that corrects the problem. These will be the last 2 plants grown in this medium. Switching to plain rinsed and buffered coco. Whatca all think?


My suspicion is that the plant is simply killing off the older and lower leafs, draining them of what value they have before they will welter and fall off, or you prune it.

Great question!


You’re asking us to compare something without getting us pictures to compare. How about a bunch more pictures. One of the whole planet that has a deficiency one of the whole plant it is not. What kind of pots are they in? You’re not going to use this media again what is this media? It doesn’t look like a deficiency to me more of a fade. It could be some old leaves dying off or it could be a lockout from one of many things. Is it starting at the bottom of the plant in moving up? Is it all over? Get us some more information and will try to help you resolve this. But from what you’ve presented before us :man_shrugging: :+1:t3::v:t3:


If that is what is happening it’s a lot earlier than usual. In that case it would definitely be strain related because the other plant is OK. The medium is called Green Monkey. Bagged and sold in Mexico. I’ll go take a few more pics.


I don’t really have anything to compare to. The plant that is OK is different strain and pot size. I’m just looking for a diagnosis. Anyone out there ever grow Strawberry Amnesia?


Check your runoff to start with before making any wild guesses. At first sight, she looks hungry tho.


That plus she may be getting not enough plain ol’ water if you are watering them both the same, the smaller pot will dry out quicker and not hold as many nutes. But 6 gal seems plenty big enough.

And just check the things you can before you do anything.



He’s in reference to a before and after kinda shot.

She looks hungry.

You have a full shot of this plant?


That sounds like two plants to me. They don’t need to be the same exact plant to compare. Yes some plants are more sensitive than others but seeing one plant that is doing well in a environment next to another plant can say volumes even if they’re not the same strain. And yes they look hungry thus The fade. But what is causing it. Visual cues usually come first and then PH/PPM and all the other. The reason you always check your ph before you add nutrients is because if you have a PH lockout adding nutrients is not going to help. This is why I asked for all that information so all of the people in this group could give you advice on your problem. :v:t3:


The SA is in the big pot on the left. I think you might be right, she’s hungry. I have always held back on AN nutes and maybe this strain needs more. That’s why I asked if anybody had grown this strain. All the strain reviews and how to grow are so general



I had a couple of thing wrongs. I think @Slym3r is right, she needs more food and I use DIY Cal-Mag and forgot to put the mag in for the last couple of waterings. Bumped her food and mag. Checked runoff @ 6.3. A tad high but nothing dramatic. We’ll see how she does next couple of days.


They certainly look healthy now!!



Thanks Marty. Some might think I’m a nervous Nelly but in this climate I’ve seen thing go to shit in a heartbeat. Since I only grow for me I only grow a couple or 3 plants at most. If my grow fails I revert to brick weed for 4 to 6 mos. No bueno.


We better make sure you don’t fail then :rofl: Fack brickweed. That shit is…shit!!!


Not all of it at least way back when…in the 70’s. Every once in a while you would get some that was pretty damn good. And the price was better lol…$90 bucks for a kilo! less than $45 a pound. That gets you a quarter ounce now lol. Inflation



Well, now it ain’t, at least not over here. And if you’re ever in Spain or where ever else they sell weed on the street that comes like this:


STAY FAR AWAY FROM IT. As y’all know, this has obviously been up someones rectum.
Most cannabis sold on the streets of Madrid is contaminated with dangerous amounts of excrement. This is evident from an investigation of 90 samples scientists purchased in and around the Spanish capital. The results of their study were published in the scientific journal Forensic Science International.
As many as 88.3 percent of the samples examined were found to be unfit for human consumption.

The scientists found that 93 percent of the pine cone-shaped samples contained dangerous levels of E. coli bacteria. For the perch-shaped samples, the figure was 29.4 percent.
About 10 percent of the cannabis samples were also contaminated with the fungus Aspergillus.

The average amount of excrement in each gram of cannabis examined is 500 times higher than the maximum limit set by the U.S. government for marijuana or that set by the European Union for fruit and tea.

The dangers of cannabis sold on the street are therefore serious enough to constitute a risk to public health, the study states.

:parrotpoop: :parrotpoop: :parrotpoop: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:


It used to wash up on the beach here until recently. Here’s a couple of pics of one block of 10. About 90 lbs. altogether. 4 kilo blocks. I kept one and gave the other 9 away. Used it for edibles. Now the weed goes from the States to Mexico. Much better quality.


Pretty cool if you stumble upon 90lbs of weed on the beach!. Looks really shit tho. How does it smoke? Any good?


About the same as smoking a used pair of Nike Hi Tops. That’s why I used the 4 keys I kept to make edibles. If was fun experimenting and boy, did I learn a lot. Wasted a butt load. Started out decarbing in a yo yo oven. Temps constantly up and down. Infusing coconut oil in a crock pot for 8 hours. Now I have machines that you just push a button. LOL. I believe progress is made by lazy shits like me looking for an easier way.


Actually I had my boat in the water tied up to a pier and I had a friend sleeping on it to guard it. He called me at about 3 in the morning and said to come and wouldn’t say why. The pot was in a burlap type bag and woke him bumping into the boat. He couldn’t get it into the boat by himself so he called me. We loaded it into a big cooler, waited until after daylight to not look suspicious and off loaded with all my fishing gear. I took 1 and he took 9. He called me from Cuba a few months ago asking me if I remembered where he buried that kilo of coke he found. Pretty sure he got deported.