Anyone wanna share photos of their vegg??
Loving the way my girls look but always welcome to take & give advice!
hi @sriina
Great topic and your plants are looking great. I will post some pictures too soon.
Damn thats awesome! Is that a photo plant?
I think my auto’s are about to begin week 3ish and mine look tiny compared to yours but I’m told auto’s are typically smaller.
I havent fed any nutrients yet & have been contemplating giving cal mag as a preventive. Thoughts?
Depending on the soil you’re using it probably has some nutrients in it to last for a bit if they’re getting into the third week probably getting close to time to start giving some nutrients most soils run out around 3 or 4 weeks yes it is a photo plant I run in Coco so things do grow faster it’s a cheap form of hydro my plants also get full strength feed from seed