Subscribe to fellow grower channel during COVID

Sadly he is sick today…snif, snif…
But, that should give time to people to make some special requests!

I heard he has some contest going on. Something about catching him do the same song twice… but you’ll have to watch his channel to find out what it is!

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Yes you are correct Kap. If you notice him doing a song twice you can win some Landrace seeds. I can’t remember exactly what they are but I’ll be back with the details :wink:

They are all landrace seeds.
3 x Joharr
6 x Malana Cream
3 x Rosilini

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The Malana creams are nice… massive hash makers…


Well, @missiles seems to be taking the day off :crazy_face:

Hope you’re okay dear @missiles! :thinking:

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Here’s today’s :nerd_face:

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