Taking over after grower walked out

It looks like you have the bits and pieces of the KISS soil recipe…


Sad to hear about the thief’s… not uncommon at all… know your people well… add cameras and alarms… cheap to buy these days.

I have tried the 24/7 with autos. Found even with a little rest, does help them grow more effectively. Nowhere in nature do you see 24/7 sun. Kills everything eventually and create a desert effect.
Why would we ignore nature.

I run 18/6 or 19/5 for veg and for flower I use 12/12 or 13/11 with LED. Note: I do go into flower 2-3 weeks early. Longer flower cycle then veg. Yes its less yield… but less time and cost. I just add more plants… smaller plants just more… work well
Need my smoke as soon as I can. For those who can afford multiple grow rooms… not a issue. just more $$$

Nursery: 18/6
Week 2 through 8: 20/4
So far these have worked very well for me. Buds are thicker and larger.


Well things have slowed down. They have the grow and dispensary sold. Today working out the kinks I guess. I’m not sure if it was just Weed, Plants,and all equipment or if new owners are gonna run the grow here. I’m praying they run it here then I have a great chance for a job with them.
I’m not transplanting the clones until I know what’s going on. I need soil and missing some ingredients so will let new owners decide. It would be a Lot to move everything but the building(rented) sucks big time.
I learned how to run the osmosis system. Thought I had fcked it up when I ran it dry. Lol I panicked! Then read directions and primed then like magic it all started up and working fine.
The plants are loving the new light scedual and they were very dry. Learned how to turn off nutes so I flushed plants this morning. They looked so happy!
I’ll take pictures.
By the way if you dont know I’m a woman not 5ft tall. Lol that’s why machines freak me out! I’m amazed at myself for learning so much as I’m not as young as I feel! Loving Life!


Sounds like a good update!

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One side, all plants in middle I transplanted.

The other side of small veg room.
Some are reveging. They were cloned while in flowering stage.
I would not put that many plants so close but because of sale of company I’m not hanging grow lights in large growing room.

Q; How much do I charge them per day for staying here 24/7. Then do I charge them hourly for work done?


I would definitely talk to the new owners ASAP so everyone knows what the expectations are.


A busy day gathering the Growers personal stuff for pick up. The only real problem is getting the HID lights down. Gonna mess up scedual. Then to replace them. I have other lights here but they may be too strong for this room. I’ll take pictures of other lights when I go back in. Replacement lights are LED.


See above picture for light in small veg room.
New owner coming by today. He may have hid lights to replace. :crossed_fingers:


Lol old grower forgot the lights in veg room. If the never get them I’ll keep them. Score!


Update: Met the new owners and they are good people. But they broke my heart. I had to destroy all the plants and clones! I found bugs on the plants and they didn’t want to deal with it. Better for now I guess.
This building will not be for growing. It will be for genetics and lab. Remodeling to follow.
I dont know if I will be here or not. Tomorrow will be my last contacted day staying here.
So for now I clean as much as possible. Got rid of about 400 pots of used soil. Dumpster pick up three times!
I still hope to get a job at their 375 acre grow. We will see.