The canna community and how we can grow it better together

Hello. How has everyone been doing in 2024? Hope everyone is making it.

I’ve been noticing how the overall online cannabis community is very clickish. I want to know any thought on how we grow together better. With the way legalization is headed we may not be growing for ourselves. It may be taken away from us. I think we need to get a tighter community together to aid in fighting the system…


I will be adding more to this. Please all comments are welcomed. I want us all to grow tighter and be the best community to build the emipre of canna…

Worldwide craig…


Well done for raising this question @Slym3r , I think its a very important one. Reason being is I heard just yesterday that it seems USA is regulating CBD laws further, I heard this from a colleague on facebook, I also recently read about the Canadians having to fight for for the increase of CBD regulation from 10mg to more. I will post some updates here later today.

Or are we talking about the internal fighting amongst cannabis community members here? I see it happening all over the world, this and that person arguing about what is right? Its even happening here in South Africa, in fact one of the latest podcasts from our revolutionary fighter, Myrtle Clarke, touched the subject of the cannabis community being in crisis.


It’s actually quite sad to be honest the same thing is happening up here , everyone minus a VERY select FEW people who I still speak too honestly it’s crazy when legalization first happened everyone & Everything was GREAT , but slowly but surely the snakes :snake: started to show up , I would love to aid in helping anyway I can in this fight bc I feel like if everywhere could try to uphold themselves to a little bit of human decency maybe just maybe it wouldn’t be ok. Not for nothing the BEST Cannabis community is RIGHT HERE , I’ve said it a million times I WISH the people on this site actually lived closer to each other. Don’t get me wrong I love the community and I really want my local one to do better let alone nationally sadly I feel like once again profits are being put over the people an if we don’t act soon it’s gonna be worse than any other monopolies that you know “don’t exist”


No singular folks that i am in reference. Just us

against the world lolol.


Yes this is exactly what i mean. I have been fighting algorithms to get proper data to people and i get blocked over and over.


To strengthen the cannabis community, focus on inclusivity, education, and advocacy for fair regulations. Emphasize unity over cliques, share knowledge openly, and support legal efforts to protect personal cultivation rights.


Thay sounds like a great idea. Thank you very much @merylstreep6


strengthen the cannabis community, focus on inclusivity, education, and advocacy for fair regulations. Emphasize unity over cliques, share knowledge openly, and support legal efforts to protect personal cultivation rights.

Beautifully said and probably the best way forward. Protection of personal cultivation rights is by far the most important aspect as we should have the rights to grow as much as we can, afterall cannabis is a top companion plant.