The Ultimate Cannabis Training Tool

Reviewed a new type of training tool on my channel this week, and wanted to share how awesome they are. Cheers!


Awesome as per usual Matt ty

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Thanks, appreciate the views.

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You tubes telling me I’m a child.

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Pretty nifty bit too much of a bend for what I like.

I’m also running critical mass. I topped once and have those two main colas a few inches taller than all my outside branches but they’re all beefy.

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What is the link to your vid? Its not letting me watch it. Lol or If this works better

They work great for my Buddy, he was the first tester for them .he’s got nothing to say but good about them

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It looks like they lightened up the color a lot ,bravo the testers were super dark green and was my only concern.these ones don’t look like they eat as much great if they could be white or even clear would be better. I think I’ll buy some to try for next crop

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Having them a vibrant color would be better I think, as you don’t want to leave them on for extended periods and the green makes them a bit hard to notice.


Camo colored!