Tip of the day: flagging a post

If you see any posts that need moderator attention, you can let us know by flagging that post. This can be for something as simple as a post that needs to be moved to another category, or for something more serious such as inappropriate content or a flamewar breaking out.

To flag a post, click on the three dots at the bottom of a post to expand the menu:

Then click on the flag symbol:

Next you’ll get a pop-up to select the reason for the flag:

The first option is to message the author of the post privately, so that they can take care of the issue themselves. You might use this to alert them of a typo or other error in their post, for example. If you select that option remember to be considerate in your message. Nobody likes being told they did something wrong, so there’s no need to make the process any more unpleasant by being harsh.

The remaining options message myself and the other admins about the post. If you select the Something Else option you’ll get a text box to give further detail about the issue. Select the appropriate option and click the Flag Post button to complete the process.

The post will now indicate that you have flagged it and why. You can also undo the flag if you flagged the wrong post by mistake:

Once myself or one of the other admins has taken appropriate action on the flag, we’ll let you know the outcome via private message.

Flagging posts that need attention is a great way for all of the community to help keep things in order. As a thank you for that effort you do receive a badge the first time you flag a post:

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