To repot or not to repot, that is my question

Hello fellow growers!
This is my first grow, and like a good noob I over watered my girls early on. They were able to dry up and continue on, this was about 6-7 weeks ago.

My current issue- on at least 3 of 4 fabric pots I have white (mold or fungus) still attached to the bottom and corners visibly on the outside. The girls range from 8-10 weeks old, organic compost, organic nutes, and cheap blurple light (4 the time being), and a 4x4 tent with good ventilation.
My question is since the gals are growing nicely and not far from flowering, I’m wondering if I should transplant them into a clean pot with maybe some fresh soil on the bottom?
My logic is that if there’s white stuff on the outside then there very well could be some lingering on the inside and I’d hate to have the gals in flower and then run into issues from this accumulation.
Please share your wisdom with me and leave all rude comments in your head.
Thanks y’all!

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No reason to transplant in my opinion. You can spray the areas with a 1:1 water and hydrogen peroxide mix. That could just be nutrient leech though.


I was going to say I have this appear almost on every fabric pot I grow in. Never thought anything of it myself especially since my plants never showed any sings of distress. And I’ve had it be white/brown like that on half of the pot at times.


Well that is good news so far! I really don’t want to mess with re-potting if I can avoid it. I appreciate the feedback and will give the peroxide water a try. Thanks