To tall for my tent

Ok just flipped her to 12/12 yesterday but my problem is no room she’s about 2 inches away from the light, and I know she’s fixin to stretch out and up the light is as far up as it can go might be able to get another inch with some different hardware but really that’s not really going to help other than taking it outside I don’t know what to do and really I’m not allowed to do that but anyway any ideas will help thanks in advance


Looks like you’re going to have to bend them over.
It’s easy and it wont hurt the plants.
@tammydc has a journal and just did hers.
I believe @PreyBird1 helped her.
I bend mine all time.
Nice looking plant btw


Be prepared to bend them over a lot. You will get at least 50% more height than you have now. You gonna have to keep up with that every day.


Looks like you let them get too tall before you flipped. It’s ok you can still manage this. Since you just flipped them, it’s ok to top them still. I’d cut them back about a foot honestly maybe little more. They’ll grow back with more tops than before.

You can also bend them stems down sideways but it looks like you’re pretty cramped in there and probably need a good haircut @ward


I agree a buzz cut and some heavy lst bending. They will blow up after that tho.


When I grew in a tent I just cut the bottom and raised it all up. Yes a little ghetto, it was in a room I could keep dark, so light wasn’t wasn’t issue there.


Is she from the seeds you started at the beginning of June?

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I woukd also defoliat a lot its cramped in there. Hard for air to flow.

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Ok I will I did right before I flipped her but you can’t really tell that I did thanks


Bro… You have to get a new tent asap, your plants are going to get ruined if you don’t. Whatever passes the light might hermie or reveg. And the leaf too close with get burnt. Trust me I know from experience! :facepunch:t3: It happened to my last grow… And there won’t be any air room or air movement and you’ll probably get bud rot. Like I did!


Yes she is she was about average size but I swapped tents had one already I flower in my 2x4 ,and her and another in a 2x3 so I swapped them out and she just took off the 2x4 has a better light and CO2, and I know she fixin to stretch out for real now she’s in flower

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Check out my last grow in my journal… Not the one that’s running… Lost half my tent too rot!


I’ve got a ac infinity 4x4 just don’t have it set up yet don’t have enough light for it guess I could put the light I got in it untill I get a different one it’s about ,15 inches taller too


I would do anything I had to to get some more room brother… Its going to be too tight in there unfortunately. I wish i had a spear tent to mail you homie.


Yes she is from the ones in june


Ok I will didn’t know I could since I had flipped her I thought topping was out of the questiin


Man I just wanted to thank everyone for all of the help you have given me, it’s nice to know that if I run into any problems all I have to do is ask for help, and all of you are right there ready to help.ive never felt like I was being judged or laughed at, and your advice has always spot on. Maybe someday I will be able to pay you back, or be able to help someone else out like you have all helped me.thank you again, Ward H


For sure homie! That’s what this forum is for and that’s what we are all here for learning together growing together :metal:

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Well thought I’d give you a update plant is doing ok not great but ok I changed tents to a little taller one got the light up as far as it can go been bending branches cut some stuff off and cleaned out the mid to lower part of the plant these pictures aren’t the greatest but here they are

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Ok since my last post I got that 4x4 tent set up it’s alot taller, I’ve had this plant in it plus another it’s been in there for two days now I’ve also got a new exhaust fan set up didn’t realize how bad the one I had worked my temp is staying more consistent and my humidity is to which kept getting way to high, I can see the difference in my plants already they are starting to get close to harvest, I was really worried about that bud rot I know I’m not out of the woods yet, but I’m alot better now than I was before. Thanks everybody for all your help!!