Hi guys I’m a newbie. First time I’ve ever grown and I have 6 healthy plants 3 papaya and 3 velvet lushers. They are about a month and a few days… should I top them do they look like they are ready. Should I top or not… kind of scared of cutting the plants obviously but any advice is great thanks
It all depends. Do u need to keep them shorter and smaller in height if not I wouldn’t worry and let them go just do some super cropping on them and bend branches open up the nutrients highways if they need to be kept lower in height it won’t hurt and u may be able to possibly get away with plopping the top cuts in the soil and hope they root it’ll give u a couple few more plants. Being outside tho if ur not worried on height I’d let em go beat of luck to ya man
Hi thanks for the advice! No I have no reason to worry about the height at all. I have six plants so I was thinking maybe 3 topped and just let the other grow untopped.does topping really increase the yields …how do you feel about the pros and cons
I’ve done it both ways and had good results with the growth. It seems whatever you pinch it or top it you end up getting two more in place of the one.
Just make sure you keep the inside closest to the main stem clear to maintain a good air flow. Air flow is important!
I see a great learning opportunity here. I wouldn’t top them quite yet. Maybe another week. But I think you should top one of each strain. This way you will see the difference between topping and not topping on your first grow. this is a great Learning opportunity. You should take advantage of it.
I like it . Side by side and see.
I top everything except autos. Two heads are better than one. Still working on my fimming technique because four heads are better than two. I’ve had success a couple of times. I personally have topped up to three times. I’m sure people have done more.
Thanks for the advice! I’ll wait another week and top 3 of them and let 3 grow naturally I. Pretty excited!! It’s all about learning. First year Im really testing out my greenthumb . I’ll post pics ! Thanks again!!!
Start a journal. Tag me in. tag others that have helped you also and we’ll follow along and help you when you need it…
Looking forward to your grows.
And the best of luck with everything.
Remember ask lots questions.
And very important keep a journal.
Thank you!! I will do that and keep you updated…thanks for the help I really appreciate it!
Late to the party but here’s my 2 cents:
Whether to top or not, it’s simple for me: never top autos, and for photoperiods: if yield is what you’re after, top for sure. Not topping your plant is a good idea to observe the plants’ growing characteristics, especially when you’re a beginner. If you have the luxury to grow multiple plants, then topping a few and leave a few is a great idea for sure.
When you do top:
I usually wait till it has 5-6-7 nodes then top it down to 3 nodes remaining. This way the plant is strong enough to cope and you don’t have to worry. She’ll get over the shock of it better than a plant that is being topped too early. (More roots, thicker stem, easier to transport food, better recovery …)
Not necessarily. It depends on what you’re trying to achieve. It also depends on how long the plant is going to be vegging for.
If you’re trying to achieve a very short plant the sooner you top the better this also speaks to manifolds. I’ve done a lot of manifolds and the ones where I top at the third node as soon as I can tend to get to the manifold structure about a week earlier than the ones I let go to the third 6th node. it takes about 5 to 7 days to stretch out three nodes. When you top as soon as possible The lateral branching accelerates immediately and you get to that manifold, structure, faster. Usually the only time I ever wait till the sixth node to top is when I wanna clone. I think what it boils down to, for all of us is, do what you’re comfortable with to begin with, and grow from there.
It’s always one’s personal experience and preferation. Everything is involved, genetics, climate, … 10 growers, 20 opinions.
I wait until vigour kicks in and where I’m at that’s usually when they’re at their 5th-6th node.
Your outaide. I’d FIM outside top inside. Start when plant gets to node four. You can top/FIM all the way thru veg. Never stress in flower.