Top 5 Takeaways From The Canadian Cannabis Report

Many of you (42% to be exact) @Canadians are still buying your weed on the streets, according to the latest National Cannabis Survey. There was a lot of interesting info to digest in this report.

Here are my top five takeaway stats according to the report:

  1. Males are more likely to be using cannabis for recreational vs medical purposes

  2. Guys are smoking more hash than are ladies

  3. Males more likely to purchase cannabis, while females more likely to get it from family and friends for free

  4. People still prefer smoking over every other methods

  5. Quality and safety remain foremost consideration when deciding where to buy cannabis

I found that latter point especially intriguing as it is a clear indicator that consumers are consciously seeking safer products. The QA role stands to be an integral part of any successful cannabis operation.

OK my Canadian cannabis consumers, be honest here: where are you getting your weed? Is this report reflective of your inner circle? How is the quality of legal cannabis that is currently available? Do you think the report is reflective of the current market in your province?