Triploidy and other mutation?

Here’s my little triploidy baby that’s been growing nice and strong for a few weeks now.
The other picture is the one I have a question about. Why does the leaf have 2 different colors? Is it the strain? They were both just random seeds I’ve found in bags over the years and saved so I have no idea what strain they could be. Anyone else ever see this before? This is only my 2nd time trying.


Its a pretty verigation. There are a few reasons for the mutation. Most blame it on mosaic virus or hlpvd. If you maintian clean sissors, you shouldnt pass it around to the other plants. I have friends that grow these to finish. They turn out beautiful.

Your 3 leaf is a trifolate. The triploid name is about chromosomes. Trifolate means 3 leaves. The internet is very misleading when it comes to these names.


This is why I love this family! An @Slym3r I tried to message you a few weeks ago I hope all is well!


Thank you for the info!


A lot of plants pump out three-fingered leaves at first as they get age the leaves will progress and get the additional fingers