True seed banks

Hi all,
I’m Stefan, new here just signed up trying to find out where on line could I buy seeds for which I could pay by credit card and delivered in Australia Qld
Thanks :smiley:


Have you got a hydro store close to you? Most shops I’ve been to will happily throw in a few seeds if you buy some items from them.

It’s always nice to make connections with people that can help you out face-to-face when questions come up.


I don’t know where in the world you live at, but the hydro/grow store in St. Louis sucks, assholes work there. It used to be called Worms way. It’s now St. Louis Hydro. A few years back they gave their customer list to the Hwy Patrol the MHP then got with the utility company got a copy of their bills, then got warrants and busted folks for growing inside. Missouri is now a legal medical grow state with a grow license, but I’m old school, I won’t forget what they did, and refuse to buy from them even though they are just a few blocks away. They gave stuff away but it wasn’t seeds!


Hi Stefan. Usually the issue with using your credit card to buy seeds lies with your credit card issuer. I live in America. The last time I bought seeds from MSNL using my credit card I was declined. My issuer flagged it as a suspected fraudulent overseas transaction. When I replied to the text I received from my issuer assuring them that I initiated the transaction the next attempt went off without a hitch. I’d say to try MSNL.


Hi Stefan,
I have used hemp depot a few times. They are located in Canada, so I imagine they ship to Au.

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Yo bro I’m from Queensland Australia actually go to ILGM OR I love growing marijhauna I buy seeds of them all the time it’s sent to you from in Aus so no going through customs and you pay with credit card to an Aus bank or direct bank deposit remember it’s IL​:heart:GM I’ve been a customer for three years now and I’ve never had one single problem :grin::hugs::hugs:I hope this helps you brother :hugs::hugs::hugs: I buy over $2000 of seed a year off them so it’s safe as :hugs:also Seedsman deliver to Aus too but it goes through customs so it’s not as safe for you and you can direct bank deposit with them too


This isn’t entirely true - there are no seedbanks in Aus as cannabis seeds are illegal therefore no distribution occurs from internal sources, however what is true is that ILGM does have good reviews for the most part.

As dlaywicker has stated MSNL ( do take orders as does the The Vault (

However customs check packages and you may have items confiscated, and that falls on you not the company sending the seeds as you have taken the risk. The best approach is to search seed sites that have the strains you want and then find ones with solid Trustpilot ratings, cross check across other forums for user experiences with those seedbanks for added peace of mind.


And smart ass there is a seed bank in Aus it’s in the hunter valley region in NsW
BUT SHE HAS RUN OUT OF HER SEED BECAUSE OF COVID BUT SHE STILL sells OK SEEDS FROM HOME GROWN WEED FROM HER AUSSIE CUSTOMERS it’s called and I’m friends with the owner of the site and she is a very nice person check it out :hugs::hugs::hugs::thinking:and oh I’m right!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Please keep things civil. This is a very tight knit group of people. Everyone can disagree and still be civil. Its all a learning experience. How we interact is a part of the experience.

Welcome to the family. Looking forward to all the new grow journals.


I got those banging EThos strains if anyone is looking. Shipping from the US.


I’ve ordered multiple strains seeds from Seedbank and every single one popped I’ve only had one runt but that probably my fault


I agree with you but I live in Gold Coast Queensland Australia and people here I suppose don’t walk around with seeds in their pokets , I need a seed bank where I can pay with MasterCard and post to Australia , please help if you can, the strain seeds I’m looking for are bubble kush
Thanks Stefan

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Hi, so it will be better to let my bank know that a third party will try get paid , until now I was never declined

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Hi all, I would like so advice please, I need a short or dwarf plant that loves living in a sea of green, thinking to grow 20 of the same plant in a grow tent, high yield is a bonus, I live in Australia Queensland Gold Coast
Cheers :+1:

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I’m looking for the same thing, pay by card and deliver to Australia, I wish I knew anyone

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Who are some Australians?

I’m Australian (also in Qld) and had no trouble buying from ILGM. I also believe @automatik might be willing to ship to Qld.

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Not in Australia where its illegal lol

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I’m in nz and managed to get mine through no worries at all. Got a nice wee lego bulldozer with it haha


Hi! Check out our site :+1:t2: We ship internationally just select international shipping at checkout. We also accept debit cards.