Turn on the Lights Contest for LED Book Series

Post a picture or a description of your lighting setup or reply with what you’d like to see improved in horticulture lighting and be entered to win a copy of the newly published book series on LED lighting.

The winner will be a random drawing from all the people who enter and the contest will be open until Friday June 16th. Thanks!


Artificial light should be less harsh to the naked eye. I am fond of red, but the garish pink light is aesthetically unappealing. This was just a test light; I’m using CMHs.


Hey thanks for the thought, appreciate the feedback. Have the CMHs been working out well?

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I like them. I want to try @SolisTek but running Sunlight right now.


Very Nice!


@SolisTek Great company!


For flower at home I have a Fluence Spydrx Plus and a Blackdog Phytomax 800 (original series). This is my first run with the Spydrx, so I’m excited to see how it does. The spectrum is a lot different to the human eye than the Blackdog.

For veg I’ve got some low end Mars Hydro LED fixtures that do the job and then a mini T5 for seedlings/clones. I’ll try and get some photos up.

At work (pictured) we actually received the first Xcel rebate for our LED installations. http://www.westword.com/marijuana/livwell-receives-energy-award-from-xcel-8974002


Looking Good there! Impressive for sure! Glad to hear you guys are taking advantage of rebates, every little bit helps. Thanks for the contribution!

What would you like to see improved when it comes to grow lights?

I guess just keep increasing the PAR while decreasing the draw at the wall and keeping heat output at a minimum? haha

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Maybe I’m missing something, but what is ANOVA?

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ANOVA = analysis of variance, a statistical method for analyzing data. Here’s the wikipedia article if you want a deeper dive:


Nic said it exactly correct. ANOVA is analysis of variation usually used for heavy duty equipment like a factory producing tractors for example. It would be used to find the most cost effective way of mass producing say deer tractors.

We used it for LED lighting which was a bit more practical for our interests.

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Completely agree, this is certainly the industries long term goal.

What type of fixtures are you using in the picture and how have the plants been responding to the light?

Illumitex NeoSol DS in that veg area. They love it.


Very cool!

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@TranscendLighting @Black-Dog-LED @UVSafeWear @nathan @cirrusledgrowlights @Dsolomon @jbohannan8 @kivasativah @nick.14erholistics @garymorgan

Hey guys, Just about a week left on the contest. If you post a picture of your lighting setup in the garden you could win a free book series. Also if you mention something you would like to see improved in horticulture lighting you will also be entered. I really like to see small compact lightweight fixtures, without compromising efficiency of course. What about you all?


This is a PhytoMAX-2 800 in a test setup for a commercial customer which is 4x4 with 6 plants. Beginning of week 6 of 10 weeks, so a bit to go.


Looking Good, Thanks for sharing! Have heard great things about the PhytoMAX LEDs. Looks like a lush thick canopy there too. Nice Job!


This picture was not endorsed by Fluence Bioengineering.