Every so often, a GroBucket kit gets returned in perfectly good unused condition, but in a box that’s no longer pretty. Rather than throw out the box, why not take this opportunity to have an “Ugly GroBucket” Giveaway!?!
If you’re interested in entering to win a FREE 3-pack GroBucket growing system:
Post below tagging three people you think may be interested in trying out this product
We’ll have a random drawing one week from today, March 24, 2021, 12Noon, EST
If you’re one of our GroBucket Testers and you post a photo of your GroBucket, you will earn an extra entry
Id give it a run what the heck. Would make watering coco alot easier. Bring it on. @kapouic@tenga@LoCoRocK@defnsmokn@pptrsha1 more than 3 but wanted to get a few more in here. Good luck everyone