UK Lockdown Backyard Grow

Am based in the uk: I usually grow indoors but due to locations issues I’ve had to yet again grow outdoors in the great british weather. So far the weather has been fairly good over the lockdown period.

My Plants
x1 Surf OG Auto Aztech Genetics
x1 Blue Pearl Auto
x1 Power Kush (reg photoperiod seed)
x1 Strawberry Cheesecake (reg photoperiod seed)
x1 Gelato Blackskull (fem photoperiod seeds)
All of the above are in fabric pots in recycled soil with perlite and EWC.
All being fed Old timers organic nutes.

My Surf OG auto is about due to be chopped either this coming weekend or the following week.
Blue Pearl has just had it first true week of flower, its meant to go for at least 8 to 9 weeks. Power kush is looking healthy and bushy, am hoping its female soon display sex within a few weeks ideally. The Stawberry Cheesecake seems abit lanky and I am a feeling it could be male, should also show sex soon. Gelato fem has shown its female and recently picked up on growth well due to current hot weather.

Photos below
Surf OG

Blue Pearl

Power Kush

Strawberry Cheesecake



Looking great. Nice growing and some homegrown harvest during lockdown.

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