URB Sciences believes the design of the URB product line is better than any of its competitors since it takes a holistic, synergistic approach to boosting crop yields and decreasing inputs in a sustainable manner. The documented benefits achieved with URB are clearly better than any known competitor.
URB’s liquid products (consisting of bacteria and fungi) are eco-friendly, broad spectrum, stimulative, poly-microbial inoculants, with multiple, complementary functions. The product, in layman’s terminology, consists of “Concentrated Mother Nature.” Perhaps, even more importantly, is what the product line is NOT. The products do not contain genetically modified organisms (GMO) nor growth hormones whose long-term effects are unknown. Nor are the products irradiated or contain any chemicals which can be harmful to humans, livestock or the environment. They are not petrochemical based nor are they a “compost tea.”
URB is akin to feeding a human organically grown food and nutritional supplements in a nurturing environment rather than junk food and steroids in a neglectful environment. Conventional farming utilizing petrochemical based fertilizers – Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (N-P-K) – is the equivalent of using steroids; they will produce gains in the short/medium term while causing environmental degradation in the long term, likewise for pesticides.
Eco-friendly would typically mean not harmful to the environment. URB products go beyond eco-friendly. In addition to NOT using harmful chemicals, URB rehabilitates the soil, making the soil healthier, and are highly compatible with sustainable farming. Our products will enhance the soil’s ability to naturally remediate existing soil contaminants, improve its water retention capacity, improve its chelating abilities to prevent the leeching and runoff of pesticides and other chemical applications, and improve the soil’s organic mass for sustainable production of plant life.
URB products are made from cultivated, not genetically modified strains of microbes. Every product has at least six strains of microbes. The URB formulation is the most complete product on the market, with at least five functions per product. In other words, our product is a multi-vitamin and our competitors’ products are simply Vitamin C. Actually, our product would be more correctly referred to as a perfect food since it contains (or has the ability to produce or mobilize) vitamins, minerals and organic pesticides, and adjusts its own environment by correcting the pH and allowing greater efficiency in water utilization.
Our Cannabis product is a broad spectrum product, working very well, in a variety of environments, such as high and low pH, wet and dry soil, and in relatively cold, temperate and hot climates. In layman’s terms, our product has the equivalent of the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines, ready to fight whatever battle in whatever conditions it encounters.
The URB formulation also includes liquid humates and plant micro nutrients. Humates are the backbone of healthy soil. They promote the growth of beneficial microbes and give the soil the proper compaction, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and the ability to retain water and nutrients while making them readily available to plants.
Humate derivatives are mixtures of humic, ulmic and fulvic acids. They are products of organic matter transformation by the soil microorganisms. Organic matter (OM) is the source of energy and food supply for microbes, which allows URB to ship its microbial formulations as a liquid since the humates provide a food source for the microbes. Additionally, humic acid derivatives have several known benefits to Cannabis, such as increasing seed germination (greater and more rapid), improving trace element nutrition through chelation, and improving moisture conditions.
Polymicrobial formulations have the potential to greatly increase crop productivity with less dependence on petrochemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides, and alleviate negative health and environmental consequences associated with their use.
The following is a specific list of performance features for the URB microbial formulation:
Improves nutrient and water uptake
Improves root and plant growth and crop yield
Improves plants’ efficiency in using solar energy
Reduces stresses of transplanting and drought
Increases Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
Reduces pest infestations of insects, harmful microbes, and nematodes
Increases effects of beneficial microbes and organisms
Improves soil health and water retention
Stimulates development of balanced microflora populations
Increases bioactive substances needed for plant growth and development
Reduces reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides
Improves the taste and quality of cannabinoids
Helps release micronutrients and trace elements, making them available to plants
Stimulates germination
Reduces amount of toxins in soil associated with harmful organisms
Increases healthy decomposition of organic matter and reduces putrefication
If you are interested in giving us a shot…its free right now. Please post a little about you and your current life/cannabis adventure/endeavor and I will PM you for an address. We currently have a handful of legitimate operations who have stepped up and are seeing how much “juice in the squeeze” there is in our claims. I am confident we will be seeing some really good side by side trial photos here soon. Thanks for checking us out and thanks for being a part of this awesome forum.