Video: Scale Your Harvest with Twister Trimmer | Leafly

Check out the video to learn more about how the Twister Trimmer has helped the Kettle River Cannabis Company increase their processing capabilities.

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Great looking device. I am curious if there is much trichome loss or damage by using such a process? They look like they give beautiful trimmed buds, but how abrasive or rough is the process on the outer trichomes, which can have a big part of the bag appeal.



Up till now, there have not been many options either hand trim or wet trimming. But we added a new entrant to the mix!
**Potency Test Results 161006.pdf (55.5 KB)

POP 2.pdf (677.1 KB)
**, Here is a test sheet we did with OUR DRY trimmer from Nation Grow Processors Inc.! ,
We dry trim, in our opinion wet trimming just cuts a lot of potency and flavor off the buds, but here is a bit of science to help people decide for themselves regarding which method is best.
Also, to all the anecdotal story tellers and THC appraisers, science and $300K Mass Spec machine donā€™t lie, are not ā€œinaccurateā€ and are not bias, its just the pure science that they show. not an ā€œopinionā€ on the potency. All future products will be tested this way anyway so why not use it to our advantage.
Call it ā€œeducational!ā€


Hey Nathan,
Great question! Our machine operates on a single-piece flow system with SoftTumble technology. The speed of cutting is effective in ensuring the buds only have to stay in the tumbler for about 30 seconds or so. Every strain will run through the machines in a slightly different manner, but donā€™t let the volume fool you! It is a quick and gentle process.
We also recently released our TrimSaver so any trichomes that do end up being shaken off are collected dry in a basin and easily collected for even more value. We will be releasing videos that allow you to see how beautiful the final result is, definitely tons of bag appeal.


And as far as Wet vs Dry, with Twister you can choose as the machines are capable of both!


Hey @Charlie Would love to know how easy it is to clean? What moisture levels does it work on?


Hi Steve,

The machine is super easy to clean, all resturant grade Stainless steel (food grae) and can handle ten lbs per barrel and can tumble as slow as .2 rpm and has a built in UV-C Sanitizer along with a humidity sensor and temperature so you know exctly what your humidity levels areā€¦I like to run at about 45-55 percent humidity.

I will attach a one sheet for some info !


C Gregory

National Grow Processors.

3 panel.pdf (2.16 MB)

Hello all,

Great conversation. We just wanted to set the record straight on the misinformation in the above graph:

The GreenBroz Commercial Dry Trimmer:

  • Trims 8-12 pounds per hour (not 4-5).
  • Comes with a variable speed control knob (listed as not an option above).
  • We do not require tools for a ā€˜barrel changeā€™, as our machines donā€™t need barrels changed.(misrepresented above)
  • We do not require tools for a blade change, as our machineā€™s center hub screw should be finger tight, and therefor there is never a need for a tool to remove the blade. (misrepresented above)
  • Our blades do not need adjusting, so we do not have a need for a blade adjustment system. (misrepresented above)
  • Our machines are whisper quiet, and do not require any sort of ear protection (misrepresented above)
  • Our machines come with a fully operation safety switch, to ensure the safety of your crew (not listed above).
  • Our shipping is varied based on location and the clients needs, so we can ship in any variety of ways that will suit our client.

The goal of this post is not to discredit or attack anyone, but rather to set the record straight as it relates to the graph above. Best wishes everyone.