Want to make my own thc vape carts

I have extract using the QWET method, a Buchner funnel, and a Source Turbo. I will decarb it in a Nova FX. I just received a Brass Knuckles vape pen with a refillable cartridge. I am looking for liquidizers to use and one of the few available to me for delivery, (in the middle of the middle of nowhere), has a kit. Anyone know anything about this: https://www.amazon.com.mx/Pure-Liquidizer-Raspberry-eliminar-concentrados/dp/B087415QY3/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_es_MX=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords="pure"+liquidizer&qid=1623608383&sr=8-1
Any other recommendations that I might have a chance at receiving in my location?

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Check out 760glass they sell refill kits and some great liquid terpenes.


Unfortunately they ship USPS and my town does not have mail service. I have been in Mexico 23 years now. Amazon will ship a few things to me and the Pure brand wax liquidizer is the only one on Amazon.com.mx .


Sorry about that I didn’t know your location. Good luck with your search! 760glass has some good videos on YouTube on how to make vape cartridges.


Not sure where they ship to but have loved terp usa You are being redirected... might look into them. :grin:


Check out the MR.Extractor Organic for your terps you add in.

I just started making my own carts with home made Rosin and I add a 1g:1ml of terps ratio. It is delicious and burns great.

THen for carts i use the PCKT (SPRK cartridges) refillable which are really good quality to burn concentrates and are refillable.