Want to try organic?

Thought I would let you know about a sample pack I found that seems really reasonable, $19.99 for a (according to them) everything you need to grow 2 plants in up to 5 gal pots. The shipping is $15.00. I decided to give it a try so got two kits, you can only order two max. Total was $54 that is really cheap if it really is everything you need. Anyway here is the link.

Sample Kit – Organics Alive



Wow! That’s actually amazing! Great find. For the price that’s beyond reasonable.


This looks like a great option to start off with, regardless. Affordable and organic!

Looks like a ready to use knf/jadam kit.


I’m gonna guess you will have to supply the soil, coco or Promix, kinda misleading but there is no way you would get 10 gallons of soil AND all the nutes and amendments for $30.



Dr Earth is waaaaaayyyy cheaper than that.
4#… 4 - 6 - 3…$10.00
4#… 4 - 4 - 4…$10.00
4#… 3 - 9 - 4…$20.00
You can reuse old soil and re amend it and 4# is more than plenty for many many grows…not 1


Oh yeah there is a lot of stuff that is way expensive out there especially in the organic lines, and even some way over the top salt lines. They are all way overpriced in my opinion. If you look at what some of the suppliers are buying the basic salts for it would shock you. Just as an example Potassium silicate for making a Silica amendment is only 0.80 cents per KILO. And is 99% pure. When you buy a silica brand it is usally only 1-2% solution.



Forgive me for my ignorance. When I was growing (about 100 years ago), I baked the soil in an oven with perlite and then added a liquid fertilizer with Bat Guano. That’s how far behind I am.

So, if I purchased this, would one follow the instructions and mix it with potting soil? Then use as normal, plant seeds, grow plants?


Not ignorance…just yes out of touch with the way most do it these days. Back in the day…and yes I remember my first inside grow…1971 or thereabouts…1000watt metal halide, Miricle grow and a big block of peat moss and 5 gal paint buckets lol. Most all of the big and old name fertilizer companies now have organic lines and pure powdered salt lines of fertilizer specifically formulated for cannabis growing. And about 10,000 nebies and some what newbies. All geared to growing cannabis.

You can now go to Home Depot and get bricks of coco, and organic potting soils, and Pro Mix. Trust me when I tell you they know that probably 80% of it is being used to grow pot.

As things progressed, nutrient companies got increasingly complicated, some to the point of ridiculous. AN comes to mind lol. The “expert growers” pack, a table looked like a brightly colored rainbow of bottles with enough amendments to choke a horse.

Trust me when I tell you, you don’t need all that. A good 4-5 part nutrient system is all you need, or a good blend of organic fertilizers. I am currently growing with a mix of coco, pearlite with seaweed meal, Compost, worm castings, Azomite, bio char, and three different Gaia Green dry organic fertilizers. Grow, bloom, and Insect frass. Each is a little different on the three major nutes. A lot of people buy the premixed bag soil like Ocean forest etc. There are a bazillion of them.

Now i grow in a tent with a LED light and organic soil of my own making. You can also make it as simple as Coco coir brick, mix it with pearlite 50/50 and get a super simple nute system like Crop salt. grow A and B and flower A and B and a product called Cake, to finish with in late flower. And they have fantastic reviews. On my next grow I am going to try the Crop Salts and a bottom feed system called Auto Pots. it uses a resevoir with gravity feed, and a 4 pot system that waters and feeds from the bottom, all you have to do is mix up the right nutes for the right part of the grow and pour the mix into the resevoir and watch. it’s a little more complicated than that, but not much. If you got your AC system coming. One of the best pieces of advice I can give you is don’t start buying a hundred things that promise you the world huge buds etc. Most of those amendments don’t do much if anything from what I have seen. Start simple and you can grow good smoke for sure. The most important thing is genetics. GOOD SEED. Then good light, which you just bought or are going to. And then the rest of the basics you will learn quickly as you go.
