Watering clones

I have a simple question for anyone out there. I just brought clones home & transplanted them into happy frog & gave them a deep water. What I would like to know how frequently do I need to water them after that? How many liters do they need and how many times a day? If anyone can respond before I ruin them I would appreciate it!


How far along are clones?.. Pics??


Hi @kingsizebuds89
Welcome to the GN Family
Hope you learn as much as we do here.

Water the clones, the same as your normal plants, when the soil is dry enough. Remember, the roots need to develop. And to achieve that, the roots need to seek out water and be fed at the same time. So water every 2 to 3 days, depending on how fast your soil dries and the little girls drink. The size of your container will play a big roll in the watering schedule and the quality of your soil.

TIP: Pictures Helps Alot in Obtaining the Best Tips and Advice :seedling:

Happy Growing :vulcan_salute:


I would like to pass on some sage advice I got from an old Army Vet who has been growing since 1970. My first grow I had a dying plant and couldn’t figure out why. I showed him a picture of the plant and he told me it had root rot and to go to the local garden shop and get a soil moisture meter. I check the soil moisture every day and give them water when the moisture meter is down to 25% and haven’t had any problems with over or under watering since.


If u can’t afford a pulse meter as they are pricey lol, I just go by the weight of the pot it’s easy to be off on judgement on moisture content but the weight tells all.


Thanks a lot for all the useful information I appreciate it… Im gonna try & upload some pics right now & hopefully u can tell me a lil bit more…


i just bought them last monday i shouldve asked the people there how old they were exactly but ill upload a pic n hopefully u can give me an estimated guess…




I would start by removing the water at the bottom in the drip pan. Assuming you just watered. Don’t leave the roots standing in water for to long. Otherwise you will have some root development problems and even rot. Overwatering won’t help the roots . Remember to let the soil dry abit.
Estimations on the ages of the clones. No clue, they are nice and big, looks Happy and Healthy.

Happy Growing :vulcan_salute:


ur a lifesaver doc ! i had it sitting over night til just now. thanks for the positive feedback


No Problems @kingsizebuds89
Leave the water for around 20 minute or so to wick up into the soil that is still dry, after a watering and then remove all the excess water from the drip pan.

Happy Growing :vulcan_salute: