Wayno Grows

Oh is that what that’s called ! Thanks for the info
Thats too easy… I thought it was something complicated
Thank you !


Ok cool. I will def do that. I haven’t done much with the outdoor plants
other than water
I fret about the indoor plants morning and night !
I think my wife is getting jealous


Put her to work! Get her hooked on growing!

And more pics of your outdoor plants!


Well ya know… when you run a farm somebody has to have a town job
My wife is still working hard !
I just tell her Yes ma’am… don’t want to upset her rhythm or anything !


Smart man! Happy wife happy life!!


Yes sir !
I was born at night.
But it wasn’t last night !


You would be the best one day old texter ever!

lol yep They learn early now days but!!!

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Ha ! Whats funny is that I do text all day long.
I text my wife and boys, who all in the 30’s and my gkids.
We text from the fields and barns all day.
The text part… I get… Its the scientific part that’ll stump ya



Hey Oly, I defoliated that outdoor plant we were speaking of.
Looks allot better. It is a WW Auto, originally indoors moved outdoors on 3/14
It sure is stacking up ?!?!
Wish I could say I did something for it, but truth is I have barely even watered it.
We have had so much rain it has made it this far on the rains and nothing else


Here is another of my outdoors
WW auto. Growing like a weed. This is a month younger than the first one,
51 days, and much taller, but hasn’t done much else yet.


I agree! And now that we can see the inside better, the only other thing that I would do is remove the sucker branches like the bottom branches with the red X’s and the lower bud sites closest to the main stem (the areas circled in blue).

I’d remove those sucker branches because they won’t develop much, and they’ll droop too close to the ground. The plant will also use her energy for the rest of the buds.

I’d remove some of those inside bud sites because I don’t like trimming larf. And the plant will just focus its energy in the remaining buds.

And the plant looks amazing for growing with hardly any watering. Since it’s in flower now, do you think you’d want to use a bloom nutrient to supplement Mother Earth?


If we show the winners do we have to show the losers ?
This one is Sad. Epic Fail.

Had a young plant outdoors, was looking pretty.
On Monday ( 2 days ago ) we sprayed our barn for flies, chiggers, ticks,
you name it. Sprayed with a mix of Pyrethrin. We spray the brans every 30 days.
We never sprayed outside of the barn. But this little lady did not care for it.
The big plant right beside her didn’t even notice it.
dangita !

do you think that will recover ?


Ok. Kool. I will certainly do that.
Yes sir, I am sure that it could use the additional nutrient.
I have just been lucky so far.

Thanks for taking a look ! I’ll get it in there.

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Hell yeah. I own my screw ups. Even if it’s not my fault. The important thing for me is that I learned something. Like it’s only a matter of time before something else falls off of my railing! @1sttimegrower lol!

Yes. I’m sure if you washed/rinsed the plant off to try removing any possible residue and gave it a little attention, it’ll come back.

I might be a little too cautious, but I don’t think I would consume a plant that had been negatively effected by pyrethins. Maybe that’s just me.


I’m not saying ‘don’t save it’, because I would definitely try to save it. I’m just not sure I’d smoke it. I tried reading that web page link, but I’m high. Imma hafta ask someone smarter than me.

@LoCoRocK @kapouic @defnsmokn @bow4buck @happilyretired @Slym3r @repins12 @Olcoot @deathrollfarms

Can a plant like this be saved?


Could be some over spray got on her. Looks like she is starving. Starting to eat herself from the bottom up.
If it were me, just incase she is sick from over spray somehow, cut nutes in half and give her a really good drink of water.

If the bottom leaves continue to yellow, up the nutes. Honestly she looks hungry and dry by the pic.


First thing I would do is wash it off first thing in the morning before the sun comes up. Remove the lower leaves that are dead and then feed. There is nothing you can do about the rain so if it’s getting too much water, oh well… can’t stop the rain. But if you think you’ve got some cast off overspray on it I would certainly wash it off. I would also you look at the data sheet on the stuff you sprayed and see if it can be used on vegetables. If it can’t you might want to rethink smoke in this.


@OlyBoy @bow4buck @happilyretired

Thanks for all of the help fellers.
I did wash it well and water everything well yesterday when I found it.
I do use that pyrethrin Around our veggie garden. I never spray the plants,
but I use it around the fencing and walk ways. The bottle says that it is safe
for vegetables, safe for animal feed stuffs. But… I don’t put much stock
in their labels. I would rather er on the safe side.
I felt like I owed her an apology. I felt terrible


Nice farm, Cool stuff… farmer Wayno…that’s cool I’m jelly. I live on a farm too but it’s a funny farm, a real loony bin! No farm animals, corn or barley at my place just a certifiable crazy old lady, YouTube want a be superstar, a dog and some cats. I think I see some marijuana in them pics. :+1: Couple.ppl in here grow too, looks like ya found some. Welcome to the site…yadda yadda keep it green and …party on Wayno¡