Weed for the Homeless

We at WOW Arizona have been giving weed to homeless people for a couple of years now. This year, we had planned to participate in a community give-away, creating combination weed/snack packs for the homeless to be inserted into the 115 backpacks that would be given away with the ’project people’. We created 150 packs with a mix of Goldfish Crackers, Mixed Nut/Fruit packs, applesauce, Craisins and raisins, protein bars (three items per bag) AND a 1.5gram bag of high-end bud with three rolling papers included (label reads a gram, but, after rolling one in a machine, it was necessary to add more bud to make a nicer package). Twenty-five were created WITHOUT cannabis for anyone under 21 or who did not want cannabis. Tuesday, we were told that the two churches that give $ to the project might object and take away their money, so we were no longer welcomed to contribute. IT MUST BE NOTED THAT NOTHING IS/WAS ILLEGAL ABOUT GIVING CANNABIS TO ANYONE IN ARIZONA OVER THE AGE OF 21.

Wednesday and Thursday, my partner MaryEllen and I I went into Tucson, hit some parks and distributed weed/snack packs along with new face masks and apples. It rained all day yesterday

Today, we still helped distribute loaded backpacks (we distributed eighteen) AND we continued to share cannabis with the community.

We gave away 165 food packs, 22 of them without cannabis. An additional 28 “weed only” packs were given to the people, too.

We have ten pre-packaged left, seven with, three without, and plan on getting those out in the next couple of days.

Thanks to Grove Bags for supplying the gold bags for the cannabis. Web Store | Shop Our Products


I would like to link up and work with you in the future. The parks in Mesa are filled with homeless people whom the cops shift from neighborhood to neighborhood as people complain. I have brought food to a few of the “tribes” in Mesa on many occasions, old clothes and stuff like that. I try and make sure my boy engages in it so that he learns to be charitable.

This reminds me of Weed for Warriors back in 2018 maybe? I will follow up with you when I am more in position to be of utility (ie fund or flower or food available)


Awesome Dude!
Thanks for being a good human being!
Merry Xmas!


The people’s smiles and responses were very rewarding, made it MY best Christmas in a while.


We are down in Tucson.


Ill second @Dog_Fart1 , thank you for being a good human being


@wow_arizona , such a kind person you are and what a great initiative you have done. Its inspiring to say the least. Can you tell me more about WOW Arizona? Trust you having a good festive period and know you are lighting up many other hearts and minds.


Thank you. Yes, a nice dinner was had with some friends after returning home from our adventures today.

WOW Arizona is a small nonprofit (education/science based). We have restored native habitat to a small piece of property that now supports a huge array of birds and wildlife. There are over forty hummingbird feeders as well as seed and suet bird feeding stations throughout the three acre grounds, adjacent to park land and a private resort. Hiking and mountain biking is done from the doorstep. Day visitors are welcomed to see the birds or engage in photography and to have us explain the flora. All of the wildlife photos you see on our web page or Facebook page were taken on-site. Many birders visit as the property is an eBird Hotspot. Operating a small home stay/B&B for over fifteen years (that was quite full until covid) helped offset the costs of all of the bird feed ($4-6k a year).

With Arizona’s change of laws regarding cannabis, the approach to what is done here has been expanded. I have shared my weed with many of my elderly neighbors for many years (grown clandestinely) and taught them how to use it medicinally. Now, I am teaching several how to grow their own. I have researched cannabis on a medical basis for decades and, in the past, have given instructional talks at/for various doctor’s offices/heath facilities (all statements given having respective citations).

When covid wanes, we want to re-emerge with an additional focus of bringing cannabis information to people and letting people come experience all of the calming aspects of nature, the Santa Catalina Mountains as a backdrop, while sharing our cannabis that was created on-site.


this is the best thing i’ve read in a while. i agree with what everyone else said, awesome thing to do and all. i just wanted to add Michigan is now a recreationally legal state, and i love tipping waitresses or even the guy who came n put my furnace part in with some buds.
if you ever make your way up north i’d love to be involved in an operation like this. i know many farmers, both care-givers and private growers, who would also love to participate.
aside from the ample information i’ve gotten from you, your generous nature and knowledge make you an awesome cannabis advocate, and as i’ve stated i’d love to be involved in any way i can (if you make it north, cus i don’t travel). keep it up man, and seasons greetings with good tidings to you :slight_smile: