What a difference 4 days make....flipping, and query

A little story…and since it is way past time that they could do anything…back in the early 70’s I had a grow set up with 1 1000w MH vertical. I did a spur of the moment trip to Jamaica and left a good friend and neighbor in charge of my grow. When I got back three weeks later the plants were quite literally crystal sticks, not very big mind you (about 2’ tall ) but almost black in color and had so much resin it was erie. But I freaked out as soon as I got in the room, apparently the bulb went bad shortly after I left and was doing a weird pulsating up and down, I tried my best to get another bulb but back then things were not like they are today, no internet online grow shops or other resources. I was unable to secure a new bulb in anywhere close to being soon enough, so I just shut it down and cured it. It was and is to this day the best pot I have ever smoked in my lifetime and trust me when I tell you i have smoked some good stuff.

Now that I know what I have learned in all these years, and with all the new research on lighting, I can only attribute the absolute stunning results and incredible high this pot had to the fluctuating light spectrum that the bulb was putting out as it was dying. And most likely it was a extreme amount of high red and UV and deep red coming out of the bulb. And I’m telling you this stuff was so good I had people bringing it back because they were not able to handle the high, seriously. I have never even come close to growing anything that good since.


New millennium winter frost works awesome it is a huge helper for plants that don’t wanna finish and keep growing lol. I e had a CBD mix plant I had to use it on kept throwing whites out. One or 2 waters with nm and the whole plant did a 360 no more whites and it did pack on a lot of trics that or didn’t seem to have prior to using it. I do hear that mixing the winter frost with their ruby fulvoc is supposed to set it over the top and do better but winter frost is a great stand alone nutrient. Hope u guys like it like I did. I forgot I had it and haven’t used it since that plant.lol