What a difference 4 days make....flipping, and query

Good morning everyone, gonna try and put up pictures of my grow as it goes along. Last week Wednesday night I flipped them. The first picture is before the setting the lights back. The second picture is a close up of the stretching tip on one of the girls, the third picture is the top of the right hand front plant, and the last is a few steps back taken from about the same place as the first pic.

It always amazes me no matter how many times I grow how they stretch when you flip them.

Now to the query, has anyone tried slowly reducing the light per day, instead of just going from 18 to 12 and if you tried it, does it reduce the stretching? I have noticed that outdoor plants don’t do it so I’m guessing that it is because of the gradual change in light per day. I have seen a video on YouTube where some commercial growers are playing with temps during the flowering all the way down to 60 when the lights are off.

I realize that you can’t take the same amount of time to reduce the light as nature does it, but has anyone tried around a 30 minutes a day from say a veg of 3-4 weeks to say 6 weeks then into flower?

Hope you all have a blessed Sunday!


Your plants look amazing my friend! Definitely in their zone and looking nice and healthy @sssportsmfg.
@scotty17 has done the gradual decrease from Veg to flower. I’ve always gone straight to 12/12 to try and get my pistils popping out my ladies, asap. I do like to gradually decrease my light times by 5 minutes every other day around Day 21 of flower. Then I end around a 10on/14off schedule right before before harvest.
It makes sense that a cannabis plants stretch could come from that abrupt change in light schedule. I’m very curious to hear what everyone else think??


Thanks I appreciate the kudos! I was hoping someone here has done a gradual to 12 and it helped with the stretching ( I bet someone has tried it). Real interested to hear if it helped any, I don’t think it would change the grow time that much, and might help with making bigger fatter buds lol.


Check out the product ?decisionÂż by new millenium nutrients
Feed a heavy dose the first 24-48 hours depending on grow medium and it’s forces the ladies to flower ASAP

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Also my veg tent is where I’ll gradually decrease the light schedule a few days before flip


They look so happy!


I use AN nutes, I use their top of the line Connoisseur coco 4 part 2 part veg 2 part bloom PH perfect line. I also use their Bud Igniter, Big Bud, Bud Candy, Ancient Earth, Nirvana, Overdrive, B-52…well you get it lol…so yes I do the heavy feed with the bloom + Bud Igniter Bud Candy and Big Bud all at once. I also do a foliar feed with humic acid which I read is supposed to shorten the inter-node length and promote budding sites. I am always willing to learn!

Curiosity has anyone tried Canna’s nutes? I bought them but haven’t tried a grow with them yet. Theirs is a two part A and B, and I think you just vary the ratio between grow and bloom phase using the A and B. I also have the complete line of True Plant Sciences nutes…but so far have just used them as supplements to the AN line. I really like their Silica Gold for strength. And I use their Canopy for foliar spray which is just Mg. Choices choices lol.

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I was running AN nutes before switching to new millenium and I would never turn back. Check em out man hard to get but definitely worth it.

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But the whole point of the decision is only feed it the first day or two of bloom then back to whatever nutes you want to run. It’s forces them to flower and skip the stretch stage.

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Got some pictures of your grows? What I like besides the fact that AN does make good nutes…is the PH perfect part of their nutes. Just blend them and water, I have all the stuff PH up and down and a couple of good PH meters as well as a PPM meter, but it is just so much easier to blend and water and the PH is good without all the testing.


Isn’t that what Bud Igniter is supposed to do as well? Pretty much all the nute lines have a bloom enhancer, and other than I guess proprietary ingredients that they don’t list which I would assume are growth modifiers the P and K are always higher in them than the standard nutes. Also the millennium line hints at “other” ingredients lol.


I agree the ph perfect part of it is very convenient but after doin my research and seeing the science behind new millenium I was convinced. New millenium is very hush hush about what exactly is in there nutrients but I trust them. The designer is the guy who created and designed GH. Watch an hour interview with him on dudegrows and your brain will hurt lol


Might give em a try…heck I got nothing better to do lol. 70 years old and retired. Where do you have the most luck buying them from, nothing around here carries them. Believe it or not St. Louis only has two grow stores TWO. Shameful lol. And neither of them carry the Millennium line of nutes.

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I get mine from a local grow shop called urban roots. Not sure if you can order online or not

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Well I found them on Amazon…read a couple of blogs about them, says real good buy not very well known, to late for the first one you mentioned, but I picked up a bottle of winter to see if it frosts up the bud any better than what I already have. It will be interesting as my last grow had one of the same I am growing this time so I can do a comparison. Gonna be hard to beat last time, they were snowy white and glistening and very good lol. Couple of the reviews on Amazon were not very good, they knocked the humic acid as “red water” didn’t do anything, but there were hardly any reviews. You ALWAYS get some bad reviews on great stuff.


If you listen to the science behind the ruby red it’s 7 different types of fulvic acid which delivers nutrients to the roots much more efficiently than water or any other molecule.

The winter frost is their claim to fame and it’s supposed to do wonders!! I plan on running it in conjunction with some UVB bulbs and hope I get disco balls by the time harvest comes round

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I almost pushed the button on the Ruby red, their line is pretty expensive and I already have enough nutes for 4 or more grows. And a lot of them have shelf lives which are most likely longer than they say but don’t want them to get too old. The Ruby red should keep pretty good, and I am almost out of Ancient Earth so I’m gonna give it a try for the rest of this grow. But it’s so hard to do a comparison when you are already half way through a grow especially when you are using good stuff to begin with.

They’re actually cheaper than AN since there’s less bottles on different nutes. I understand tho it would be great to get their starter pack and try a side by side grow with your AN nutes

@sssportsmfg, looking dank man. Great growing.

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Crops look great, nice and healthy, good luck for what remains :smiley: :muscle:t3:

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