Trying to help someone identify these things, and I’m at a loss. Can anyone tell me what they are? I’m told these are the adults and the immatures look like little “fuzzballs.” Thanks for your help!
Edit: I’m told these are stationary and attached to the leaf, possibly some sort of ootheca???
These pics are the best we have unfortunately. No damage was reported. Trying to wrap our heads around it and thinking they could be seed pods blown in from another plant. I’ve reached out to an entomologist I know as well as a couple related subreddits. No one knows yet!
Thanks for the response, Mike. Wish I had more info.
Okay, I was able to find an answer to my own question…I think. They appear to be scale insects (Hemiptera) of the Ceroplastes genus. Not sure what species, but hey, we got it.
As far as I know they’re not responsible for any direct die off, but they can weaken plants if the infestation is bad. They’re sap suckers, and my guess is if left unchecked you’d see a significant reduction in yield. I’ve been doing a lot of pest research lately and this is the first time these guys have ever shown up. @Growernick might be able to speak to the extent of the damage they can cause.
Scale can be quite damaging and just gross as well. Like many creatures that wreak havoc on your crops, scale leaves sticky trails of honeydew all over foliage. I also have never seen something so horribly beautiful. Nice call on the Mario reference, @nick! Totally looks like Bowser!
These are crazy looking! Are they about aphid sized? I wonder what predator insect could take those bad boys out… You’d need some pirate bugs or something.
Are they mostly on leaves or do they stick to stems as well?