What do you plant in the off season?

What are some good cold weather crops I can plant, after harvesting hemp, that will turn a profit? Something good for the soil health for the next season of hemp

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Have you thought about maybe some greenhouse style with heaters and lights just in case?

Get a soil test done for your particular field and find out what kind of amendments you need exactly, then plant a cover crop of a plant that will do what you need. Tests are usually around $50, definitely less than $100 and will give you custom tailored soil info that give your field healthier plants. There are some good videos about how to read the soil tests and what you can do in response to them.


As we going into the colder winter months I was giving this some thought. When we were forced into a 21 day lockdown I sprung into action and planted more weed!! I also planted spinach, lettuce, kale and chard. Good winter cash crops and healthy to. Because cannabis is nitrogen hungry crop, you will need nitrogen fixing plants like potatoes. But a good start is a soil test as mentioned above.


Leafy greens, beets, carrots, and radishes all grow well in our outdoor garden over winter.


Get a head start on your garden by growing seedlings indoors during the out season. You can use disposable containers from around the house like butter containers to plant your seeds, and then you can simply throw the old containers away once you replant your plants.