What happens if a storm hits?

Indoor plants.

I have lost power. No back up anything. Have gas stove and hwh. One bathroom gas heater. House at 66°. Also I will be checking this few and far between, due to no power. Regulating battery life.

Anyone have any tips?

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Not much you can do unless you can borrow a generator or buy a cheap one. That sucks. Sorry to hear that.

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Are they in a tent or grow room. If they are in a tent you can always fill large buckets with boiling water they will put off enough heat for a night. Also wrap your pots with some blankets.


How long you expect to be out… is it hurricane related… 24-36 hours who cares… no control so just hit them with light when they come on…sucks but if hurricane your generator would probably float away…lol…

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If their in a closed up tent find a way to safely burn a candle or two. It’ll help keep the temp up.

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hell even a low powered flash light will help…and temp wise I run nights in the high 30’s (outdoor)… they might slump a bit… but again out of your control so don’t let it bother you… if this “incident” wigs you out… take a whole dried plant and throw in a burning pit… and as I say and have practiced… you will no longer fret over the little things that can’t be controlled…lol…


Everything has been going well despite the weather and no power. The ladies look fine. Thank you all for your input.

Battery powered Christmas lights have been my 18 hours of day.


We’re getting the tail end results of that mess. No power issues yet (:crossed_fingers:), but the weather has been complete trash for the one I’m flowering outside. :weary: I have to get more lights.

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How did everything play out brother?

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I have a generator up for the basics. Lights , fridge, hvac and tv. Been knocking out limbs for cash all day. And tomorrow and tomorrow lol.

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Is she in the ground? I assume so… how big is she?

She’s in a pot, but she’s too big to go in my closet. And I picked off a couple nanners. (light leak early in flower) :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Move her back and forth.

Led storm lights, they only work for 8 hrs and need to charge in a lamp that has power.they have a battery built in ,best I could figure In a pinch w no generator


That’s what I do. She’s outside during the day and in a dark box in the garage at night.


Rando… lol

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