What will happen if i planted vegetables like Cucumbers broccoli tomatoes under 24 hour light indoors?
I’m not sure about cucumbers or broccoli, however you will get fast growth in tomato plants, but for a better yield, tomatoes need a day/night light cycle, for what it’s worth.
I am growing some vegetables indoors under 12/12 loght cycle. And in another room i have 24 hour always on, so i thought of trying
You should try turning them off for a spell. Even Auto’s like some rest. Then you can grow your veggies in with them.
I do give them 2 hours rest. But i dont know what will happen to veggies and i dont want to lose the plants
with the weed give it 24 hours of light it will still droop it’s leaves for about six hours
they need a break
I will do that
Its my 1st time ever to plant
18/6 is a nice schedule… plenty of light and just enough dark just like a long summer day
You should probably read this link.