Who will be at the Emerald Conference?


This event happens Feb 27 - Mar 1 in San Diego. These technical conferences are among our favorites for their wealth of information and also to see all our GN friends in one place! So, will you be attending the Emerald Conference?

Check out their website for everything you need to know about speakers, agenda, lodging, et. https://www.theemeraldconference.com/
For tickets, check out: https://www.theemeraldconference.com/registration/

If you are, reach out to me and I’ll give you the coveted Emerald Conference badge :sunglasses:

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Hey Nick,

@bryan and I will be in attendance this year! Looking forward to meeting up with any other GN family. @Growernick Any sessions you think are a must-see?

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Have fun - unfortunately I won’t be out there… maybe next year!


Nothing like a good blunt session with your GNET family :sunglasses:

The first session on Cannabis Genomics and Chemotyping with Jessica Kristof looks promising.

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I have a couple of those sessions already booked :sunglasses:

Definitely interested in Jessica Kriftofs session as well.

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