Why are these leaves turning up like this?

Just curious as to why these fan leaves are turning over like this ? I’ve never seen this before. Is the fan blowing too hard?


Here is an article that might help.


Yep tup can see a slight burn so either too much nutes ph is off or both together startung to happen. Water only phd correct may bring her back if u dont feed it. Calmag water only.


Funny you said that I just raised the light about five inches today . I feel I’ve doing an extremely good with phing the water and measuring the nutrients!


It’s weird because only the newer growth is acting like this . It’s not effecting any of the existing growth!


Im gonna lean more towards the ph in the pot being out of wack. Get some good phd water with a spkash of calmag in it and soak the pot down slowly so everything gets soaked and u get runoff. Check the runoff after u get so much to run off out of the pot catch some in a shot glass or small cup and see the ph of that and ppms. Im gonna say its either high or low and have a higher ppm reading also. If so soak the pot more qith if its high ph coming out lower it so if u have like a 7.1 lower ph of water to 6.3 and soak.it til the ph comes out roughly in order of what u want it to be then leave it til she is dry again prolly couple few days and seriously let it dry out pretty good til she is light unless u see a thirst droop. When u do the next feeds .ake sure the ph is in order good. Leave the pot of nutes set for half hour stir and check ph before u water the plant. Maybe it alters ph a bit after u check.it as ive seen it before here get it to 5.8 check and bam 6.1. Im in coco lol. It happens if its not fully mixed in sometimes i guess so a little wait aleays helps alot to make sure ph dont fluctuate either way.


Yep I’d say check pH first as well. In matter of fact, a good tip, if something’s off with your plants and you’re not sure, and all the exterior parameters like environment, light, … are somewhat ‘normal’ (e.g. lights not too close or their strength set wrongly , VPD ok, airflow ok, moisture lvl medium ok, …) then pH is the next parameter you’d want to check. Imbalanced pH causes A LOT of troubles in a lot of grows :slight_smile: Happy growing! :facepunch:


Hi! @spades90 I don’t think it’s about watering or nutrients since you’re careful with those. It might be root problems or pests. I’ve faced this too, and what helped me was using pest control products and mycorrhizae nutrients. Make sure to water them well. Check the roots and treat any pests you find. Good luck!