Will orange/burnt pistils from a greencure spray at day 28bloom lower quality?

Thanks for the input.

I am at day 34 of bloom. Instead of letting the PM go rampant for the next 3 weeks, I decided that I would test spray @ 5ml/gal of General Hydro’s Defgaurd and the EM1 at 1oz/2gal. It didn’t burn, so I sprayed my whole crop gently with it and the EM1 by Teragenix mixed together. Pistils look good I recommend trying it out! The plants look just as good!! I am very happy I tried this. It doesn’t smell funky once applied and dried, and it should help out with my mildew issue. Hopefully I don’t need to spray anymore into the flowering cycle. I was worried already, as some strains are full sized nugs it seems already. I sprayed the nugs too by the way, not just leaves. What are the effects of beneficial microbes on our flowers afterwards, anyone got any insight??

There are are no signs of burning :slight_smile: !!

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What mildew issue are you talking about? Powdery mildew? God i hope not.


Yes. Powdery mildew :frowning:

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Also I am confused. Why are my post’s being flagged and reported/ hidden? What am I doing wrong lol?

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EM1 should be used at the root zone, not as a foliar. Greencure is ok for controlling PM but you should address whats causing the problem before relying solely on it. A known side effect to GreenCure is the burning of pistils.

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add some UV lights if you have em

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I think the issue is a lack of airflow & over crowding of plants. Not gonna tear away any plants this far in.

The bottle of EM1 says to spray and apply to the roots. I did it, looks and seems like it didn’t adversely affect the flowers.

What day of flower would you stop the greencure? Doesn’t help too much if you just spray till week 3. Im week 5 with PM

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I think they flagged it because its to close the abbreviation for a certain phsycodelics. Someone was generous to offer those things here in the forum and that is not allowed here!. No illegal trading, selling ect. Check the document you signed when you opened your account here. That is the only reason why i would think it was flagged. You can always ask the leader @nick why it’s flagged?


The em1 will not hurt the plants in a soil drench at any point of growth