Will orange/burnt pistils from a greencure spray at day 28bloom lower quality?

I just sprayed some Greencure at 1.25tbsp/gal water @ day 28ish of bloom while the lights were OFF. My pistils have turned orange prematurely because of the spray application :fearful: .

Did I just screw up my plants quality big time? I’ve seen various posts with indirect answers.

I know for a fact it was the Greencure that caused them to burn. Is the quality ruined?

Not all are orange and shriveled. But the spots with less spray, have less orange hairs.

Readers beware of orange hairs.

You already had buds forming(usually after 14 days) if you sprayed with anything other than pure water, that lowers quality in my opinion.
You’ll be ok tho and shouldn’t lose yield over it :+1:

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Damn. I will update this thread in a few weeks when my ladies are more mature. Hopefully new white pistils shoot out over this. Thanks for the input

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You will be just fine greencure is great stuff. I have done that several times and had great harvests. U can avoid some of the damage by spraying in the dark 3 hrs before lights on and use lots of air to dry some hairs will still turn orange but it wont be as bad . The buds will grow out just fine. One of my best crops was treated over a month into flower and did just that :wink:

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Its just calcium bicarbonate it wont effect flavor or make a dark ash either. It is the only thing i have ever used in flower that had no effect on quality :wink: i wouldn’t use it for last 5 weeks of flower (seems most things off gas by then.(ie spinosad /azamax/trifecta)

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Also do not wash off residue it is what will kill your wpm;)


Also imo if u have to spray later its worth pushing for a late crop to guarantee a good tasting harvest.

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Once trichs begin to appear. Don’t spray anything on your plants. It will ruin your plants potency. And can affect yield


Have you heard of EM1? Would that help to spray late in flowering? Or would ruin it like you said?

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You don’t spray anything on your plants once trichs appear


I read you dont spray during flower and now myself dont spray anything while in flower. Why are we spraying again? I sprayed and some of my pistils turned orange and i didnt like it. Then @hoppiefrog had told me that sprays caused it. I believed him researched and verified it in many sources and i dont spray anything. If i had to spray. I try and hit the under side of the canopy and leaves where the stomas live and not the flowers directly.


This is correct

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Oh welcome @zestycookie by the way sorry noticed you hadnt been properly welcomed. Glad to have ya! Welcome to the family were here to help. Need help ask were always lurking!



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Is that spaget?

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Lol why yes it is?


I love spagett

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I dont know if its worth using. Arent you using some sort of nutrient line?

I have seen this before with several products in the past and learned my lesson don’t do that again.
Canna is fussy about what it likes in foliar feeding or spraying in flower. Especially after week 2-3 flower.
In Veg really important to max the brix levels and get our foliar feeding in early and get vigor up.
The idea is when mid and late flower comes, it’s cruise control no spray nothing at all after week 3 flower.
Watch and enjoy the show and keep up on water changes and cleaning grow area.
I’m not familiar with Greencure, but I would not use it or look it up for that matter.
1.25tablespoon per gallon sounds awful. yikes. oil or water based likely.
After Pistil Set, don’t spray anything. Prevent in Veg.
Kyle M


I am using the Floraflex nutrient line. 2 part. I am doing tap water in Los Angeles @ 180ppm. I add 2ml of cal mag 2x/week.