I saw this come through my email from New Frontier Data. We’ve been playing special attention to CA Senate Bill 67 that would extend Temporary Licenses in CA in order to avoid mass expiration of licenses that would drive people to the black market. I can’t seem to figure out how/why the state can’t see that allowing licenses to expire will lead to less tax revenue and augment the black market (in other states as well!).
Curious what other @CAgrowopowners and @CAMasterGrowers thoughts are on the current and future state.
Interesting find. We would also be intrigued to hear other members’ synopsis of the licensing conundrum in California. Thanks @Alex_Gro-Tech!
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I saw this post the other day on poetryofplants IG thread:
Let’s stop saying fees and taxes and just call it what it is. A forced partnership with the state. The state of California is a part of the biggest suck fest in American history. I’d love to know how many of you out there are paying the mid tier fee on multiple canopy licenses. I bet for some it’s upwards of a 300-450k ANNUALLY JUST FOR THE LICENSE FEES ALONE.
Also remember the only oblique justification for this level of theft, is that the state is allowing you the privilege of participating. I wouldn’t hate on anybody trying to survive this compression, by hook or crook as they say.
That’s all because of the total incompetence and
corruption of the Culture War Reefer Hokum fake-legalization
hyper-regulatory-regime bureaucrats and politicians (and their
Lords and Masters). All these “reformers” have screwed the pooch
and shot themselves in their hypocritical feet. The attached doc
tells most (but not all) of the story…
CannabisManifestoofError2.docx (25.8 KB)