Worst fears came true

Thank you so much for your comment and feedback! Theres definitely a possibility that I over reacted, I think I was just so shell shocked from my last grow. Went all the way to the end, started chopping and realized my entire grow was full of seeds. Sometimes I can be my own worse enemy when it comes to these types of things. I think finding those pollen sacs really kicked me in the nuts and I didnt want to waste anymore time and money on it lol sucks I had to cut em but on the bright side, my electric bill went down 4-5 dollars a day. I’m definitely going to start a grow journal when I get around to firing up my next grow. I’ve never been one to ask for help or put myself out there but I now I can see how valuable this forum is and how nice/welcoming people are.

Thank you so much! I was very fortunate when it came to aquiring most this gear from a good friend of mine. I really had no idea what I was doing when it was dropped on my lap around a year ago and I’m proud of how far I’ve come so far.

I look forward to creating a journal once I track down some good seeds/clones and thanks again for your help!


Well what kinda seeds ya looking for? Lot of guys in here Always look for ppl to test their genetics man. Shit you want autos … we got the top auto seed producer east of the Mississippi in here. LoL
Ya man real cool you got someones gear to start your adventure. That asking for help thing is silly dude. We all got the grow bug … you caught it good too it sounds. We are all here to smoke the best home grown dank we can and help each other out. Get a buzz, laugh a little and learn something cause there’s a lot to learn. Start up that journal anytime even if it’s just to list gear, talk about future plans…What kinda light you got running and gear like.


Thats awesome and great to know. The four plants I lost were all GDP, so I was hoping to grow some sort of indica. I actually have 4 Purple African Magic seeds that I purchased from the same place, but I’m worried about having the same issues.

I look forward to learning more and I will definitely start my first journal soon!


@beatchampaz, Welcome to GN…

This isn’t ILGM…there’s a great group of growers here that will be more than happy to help you out…
Never be afraid to say you don’t understand something, or need information.

The growers you will find on this forum are experienced (in many specialties) confident, courteous,
and can totally relate to the plethora of issues new growers face.

I would encourage you to use that magnifying glass on the top banner to search any subjects you may be interested in…

Come on in, relax and plan your new grow…we’ll look forward to it !!


This is truly the best growing forum out there. In my opinion. Never be afraid to ask or say what you want to in here. All the people here are tremendous help. And i need lots of help, not just mentally lol


Haha…well I have Tourette’s and AADD so I just start laughing and bust out some weird ass obscenities’ so ignore me mostly!..sometimes I might spout some form of truth and sense.


Man, I really wish it was that easy for me. For some reason, I can’t seem to get out of my own head. I tried to start my first grow journal in september and I pretty much wrote an essay thats still sitting in my draft. Now I’m four weeks into flower and I just realized I have seeds again. HA! why do I even bother? Oh well, I guess thats what I get for second guessing myself.

Might say fuck it and post it anyways, maybe someone will see something that explains why I cant get it right with my last couple grows. Orrrr I might just throw in the towel and find a new hobby like knitting or collecting rocks. Lol

Either way, its Onward and Upwards!


LOL, @Dog_Fart1 , even you (snowballs, cymbals, f**kgate) are a VALUABLE asset!!

Never said we weren’t an eclectic group, but if you dig below the surface, there MAYBE some pearls !!


@beatchampaz I would give it a shot and post it. When I can’t get something right like when I was struggling with cloning the GN family can certainly help. It never hurts to have an extra pair of eyes to help look for problems. It also helps the people who answer brush up on their knowledge and help teach people who read the questions and responses.