Ok, the comment I made about the termite is the pic with the winged insect running across the soil. The comment on the worm is the pic with the root laying there and the larvae crawling around. The other pics I as I said I could not determine if they were pathogens or insect/insect larvae. BUT as I stated, you have multiple problems going on. My approach if I were dead set on not losing those plants… would be to take the plants out of the tent, submerge the plants roots in a bucket of RO or distilled water and get as much of the soil off the roots as possible and then starting with good sterile soil repot them along with miccorizza added in and some mosquito bits to kill any emerging larva from eggs.
When you do, water them in with Mosquito bits water. While you have the plant out of the pot, cover the roots and spray them down with a good insecticide that is for food crops. Top and bottom of every leaf on the entire plant. CLEAN your grow tent top to bottom with a good cleaner like ammonia and water close the tent up to keep the fumes in there for a while, then wipe it down leave it wet for a while and then wipe it off and dry it. That should kill any eggs or larvae or bugs hanging out in the tent. Get everything ready to do each step, as you don’t want the roots out exposed to the air for very long. Before you put the plant back into the pots, make sure you clean those pots completely, too. Soak the roots of the plant in some mycorrhiza solution and a little Super Thrive for a half hour wouldn’t hurt either. All these suggestions are for if you are dead set on not losing those plants and starting over.
Or just throw them out, clean everything up super good and start over with good soil and new seeds/plants.
That’s about as much help as we can give you considering all the problems you have going on.
I got the auto pot 4 pots 2.2gallon. I see no need for bigger pots. They do kickass. There resivoirs are kinda expensive but so far they are working great!
man wtf i legit just cleaned my tent and pots b4 this run this sucks donkey dick mang…ima fuck the owners of that place up! lol…aight well fuck man idek what i should do i guess i cant do any of it for atleast 1 week ( payday is thursday and im deff not doing all that after 11 hrs of building mobile mri and cat scan trailers from scratch) do u think by then it would be pointless to do anything but throw em out? ALSO do u guys know of any way to sterilize soil so i can not have to ever deal with this again like straight from bag to sterilizing then to pot?
I just went ahead yesterday and purchased a complete 4 pot 4.4 gal setup. Just got done crawling around the tent with a watering can again this morning and it sucks lol.
This should make it much easier. Got to finish this run before I can start. If you don’t mind Prey what ratio are you using on your media 50/50 as they recommend or are you using straight Pro Mix just as it is, and did you put in the 2 inch layer at the bottom for drainage? I see your root zone looks different top to bottom.
To sterilize large amounts of soil you have to heat it up. Inside in the oven is a giant no no as far as I am concerned. You will totally stink the entire house up really bad.
Outside you pretty much have to have summertime. You can lay a black tarp down on concrete, then a layer of soil then another black tarp and literally cook the soil to kill all pathogens. But then you need to get all your mycorrhiza back into the soil with an additive like billions, or Great White, there are dozens of them.
Try spraying your plants with a good insecticide, water some mosquito bits into the soil and clean the tent and outside of the pots first and see if you can do it that way. You will have to keep a close eye on things to make sure you are not getting the bugs back.
yeah i took all plants out used bleach and water cleaned tent i then took 2 inch of soil off off plants and filled them back up to where they shoulda been to s tart with and been watering the water that has mosquito dunks in it its slowed down and i see NO insects what so ever any more but they are forsure not doing good… im prolly going to throw em out prolly throw a temper tantrum like a 10 year old and then soak my pots in bleach water and clean the tent AGAIN and start a new run with only fox farm from the get go deff never going to BUSY BEE in crestwood IL for dirt ever again… fucking ass clowns… i do wanna thank u all tho i never woulda been able to figure all this out on my own u guys are awesome!
Man were glad to help if we can! Were still here and we will still help you keep growing. Just keep posting your pics in this thread and keep your journal going. We love to see you grow and we always like to help our members out. Thats how i got here and why i stay here. Ive been here for years and people helped me so much here and now i try and help as much as i can also. Its a great place here at growers network. You should have your other friends that grow come and join and show us there grows also. Us growers have to stick together for REAL!
Now don’t get mad and toss them after all that work, they are plants, takes a bit to recover from stuff. I have/hopefully “had” bugs right now. I have a broken zipper in my tent, it is closed three quarters of the way down, I have to crawl in the tent to water so I really hadn’t been in there at the top or doing any defoil, so I get in there…stand up…start plucking leaves and green leafhoppers everywhere, I was wondering why my leaves were turning brown unusually fast, now I know. To date I have sprayed twice, down to only 1 or 2 flying out with a pretty violent shake of the plant. Hopefully one more spray of neem oil and I have it licked.
Just slow down and be patient, plants take a couple of weeks to recover. We all have problems from time to time. This is my first time for bugs other than fungus gnats which are easy to get rid of. These leafhoppers are hardy little buggers.
Your plants didn’t look very big so you have lots of time for them to recover.
I’ve had contaminated soil before and it sucks. I don’t run soil mostly hydro and some coco. I use safer brand insecticidal soap on coco with bugs and grow safe for wpm and some preventative bug maintenance on everything , I spray the whole plant and drenched the dirt/coco and roots with the insecticidal soap, let them soak a couple hours and then in the tub they go and they get rinsed good with a little pressure from a pressure mist setting on the shower head. I flood the coco and rinse it out and they get sprayed with the grow safe . So far it has worked every time for fungus gnats and using the grow safe once a week keeps a lot of stuff away. Worst I worry about anymore is annoying house flies occasionally . This is what work for me and it’s for organic gardening
oh i tossed them bitches they got worse and worse i gave it a week after i cleaned the tent with bleach and water and re potted the plants and sense they got worse still i tossed em and i deep cleaned everything and got a new grow going with only fox farm soil fuck that local garden place bitche ass mfers… my grow is going AMAZING atm i had a scare thinking i had PM again but i got a new humidifier and im 99.9% sure sense i use tap water and mine is HOW HARD IS THE ROCK PILE? HARD AS FUCK! its prolly just some calcium build up i sprtized em with water and wiped em down and good as new check em out!