Wth is causing this problem!? iv spent the last 5 days straight trying to figure it out!

i had a couple gnats in the soil when i transplanted got them taken care of thought i had PM but i forgot i put DE on 2 of the plants and it was 2 wet so i just scratched that idea and when i came back the wind blew it all over the rest so THIS what ever THIS is is going to be the death of me…like 120$ worth of in house genetics seeds in this run… i tried putting the pic thru google and looking at similar results but nothing looked quiet like mine… closest i saw was a mag def but idk it just doesnt seem to line up 2 me… i fed em pure mag like 2 days ago…


Well first off it’s not powdery mildew, the fungus looks as the name suggests, a white powdery coating across the leaves.

Looked it up and asked a AI program for all the details…they are below.

name some plant pathogens that have a brown center with light green ring around the brown spot, starts at the bottom of the plant

The description you provided sounds like it could be Alternaria leaf spot. This fungal disease often manifests as dark brown spots with concentric light green or yellow rings1. It typically starts on the lower leaves and can spread upwards.

Would you like to know more about how to manage or treat this disease?


Great! Managing Alternaria leaf spot involves a combination of cultural practices and, if necessary, fungicide applications. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Remove Infected Leaves: Prune and dispose of infected leaves to reduce the spread of the fungus.
  2. Improve Air Circulation: Ensure proper spacing between plants to promote good air circulation and reduce humidity levels around the plants.
  3. Watering Practices: Avoid overhead watering to minimize leaf wetness. Instead, use drip irrigation or water at the soil level2.
  4. Fungicide Applications: Regular applications of fungicides may be necessary, especially for susceptible plants. Consult with a local extension service or garden center for recommendations on suitable fungicides.
  5. Crop Rotation: Rotate crops and avoid planting susceptible plants in the same area for at least three years.
  6. Resistant Varieties: If available, choose plant varieties that are resistant or tolerant to Alternaria leaf spot.

Would you like more detailed information on any of these steps?

Will hydrogen peroxide kill Alternaria

Hydrogen peroxide can be effective against a range of fungi, including Alternaria species. However, its effectiveness can vary depending on the concentration used and the specific conditions of application2. For best results, it’s often used in combination with other treatments and good cultural practices.

Would you like to know more about how to properly apply hydrogen peroxide for treating Alternaria leaf spot?

what is the concentration used

For treating Alternaria leaf spot, a common concentration of hydrogen peroxide used is 3%. This concentration is generally effective against the fungus while being safe for the plant.

Would you like guidance on how to properly apply this solution to your plants?


Here’s how you can use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to treat Alternaria leaf spot:

  1. Prepare the Solution: If you’re using a store-bought 3% hydrogen peroxide, you can use it as is. If you have a higher concentration, dilute it to 3% (e.g., mix one part of 12% hydrogen peroxide with three parts of water).
  2. Test on a Small Area: Before treating all your plants, test the solution on a small, inconspicuous part of a plant to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage.
  3. Apply the Solution: Use a spray bottle to evenly mist the hydrogen peroxide solution onto the affected leaves. Make sure to cover both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves.
  4. Repeat as Necessary: You may need to reapply the solution every few days until the symptoms improve. Be cautious not to overdo it, as excessive use can harm the plant.

Hydrogen peroxide can help reduce the spread of the fungus and promote healthier plant growth. Additionally, continue to implement the cultural practices mentioned earlier to support overall plant health.



I would highly recommend you clone those plants a little later on when there bigger. This way that $120 goes a long way. I like to use a clone machine. But you can make a clone without a cloner.

Heres my cloning thread. But i would suggest you read up on cloning a little because you can make more of the same plant before you flower it. Because if its really killer weed then its nice to have another plant. And having a clone as a backup in case you screw up the grow is easy insurance in case and a second chance to grow the plant again. Sometimes you dont know how the strain will react to your environment. Factors that are major are what part of equator did these seeds originate from. And are the seeds produced indoors or outdoor? And growing strains that you have never grown can be a little tricky thats why clones are important. You basically get a redo…and you should also be keeping some notes on what your doing so you can see where things change or go wrong or right. Takes some practice learning a new strain likes and dislikes and feed ratios. And it looks to me like its over watered and that pot you have doesnt drain well enough. Youtlr going to get nutrient build up in the root zone and its burning the roots and not allowing the proper air to the roots because water is getting trapped in the pot and not draining out. But i cant see your whole set up because you just have leaf pics. But it looks like you need to also be watering to run off and at least once a week only using water and no food. But we really have no idea what your growing parameters are???

We need more info man! Here what we want to know or its hard to help you.

Well help you out but we need as much info as we can get. I really want to know what those pots are and the soil-media your using and what nutrients, like brand and are they liquid or powder mix into water?

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It seems like overwatering and too much DE might be stressing your plants, especially if it was too wet. Since magnesium didn’t fix it, it could be nutrient lockout or moisture imbalance. Try cutting back on watering, ensure good drainage, and apply DE lightly.


Bruh thank u so much that makes alot of sense i wont get too in depth but my house is SHIT n the backroon is sinking b its got some mold n shit in it its also of course the only roon i could fit my 8x4 tent… its my 3rd grow but 1st time for this lol… i got 3 fans AND my exhaust inline fan i was worried i had 2 much airflow maybe i could turn the fans up actually… thx for doin the research i never would of came across that kind of shit… ima start hitting em with hydrogen peroxide when i get home tonight ima also amazoning some fungicide RN as well… ill post again n keep yall updated on the outcome!


I got u i was in a hurry to just get the pics up i was up till. Midnight trying to get all my shit done n had 2 b up at 4am for work… ill post pics of my whole setup and all the info i got tonight afterwork! N also ya i applied thé DE HEAVY like prolly 1 1/2 inch thick… i never seen anything bout DE having negative implications so i was extra generous…


If I were you I would skip the fungicide. Make sure if yu do use it that it is ok for consumable crops. Never put anything on your plants that is not for consumable plants. Many fungicides are very bad for your health, they are ok to use on ornamentals like flowers for the dining room table, but not for flowers you are going to smoke. Personally I grow organically, I never put anything on unless absolutely necessary, try the HP alone first rather than going overboard.



DE is ok in an inside pot as it is just diatoms from an ancient ocean. However DE shouldn’t be used in excess outdoors, (and you way overdid it indoors) as it will kill many beneficial insects as well. If you want to kill fungus gnats, get Mosquito bits and add it to your feed water, they will kill the larva in the soil in the pot. DE on the surface needs only be a light dusting for surface mobile bugs and slugs. It literally cuts their exoskeleton open and they bleed out. If you do use it outside use only at the base of the plant for about 4–6 inches out from the stalk, I had a buddy that this year outside put it so thick all over the entire grow that he killed everything in his grow (beneficial microbes and insects, worms etc). He sent some of his soil in for testing after his grow and was told that his soil was deficient in beneficial soil microbes and insects. I warned him before he did it, and he did it anyway, now he has to scrape it all off and let his soil repair, he has a very large outdoor grow.



seed bank is NASC
strains are forbidden jelly-slurricane-jelly cake-litty wap-apple banana flambe-gangsta boo x plat kush mintz
indoor tent 8x4 temps are 66-69 at night and 69-75 during day ( im in chicago it was a low of 10 f this morning i got a space heater for grow tents in there but im new to using it so im kinda setting it low just incase something happens
light is a growers choice roi 680 its 36 inch from plants was on 75% but i turned it back to 50 like 3 days ago cuz of all this
RH and actually now that i think of it i posted a pic of my vivosun grow app thing that has all my temp and rh info
i got a nice ass humidifier and a nice 6 inch inline and 2 small clip on fans in a 3 gal pot i ph my water to 6.4-6.8 i tested the run off of 1 of em last night it was 6.9 water temp i got a resivoir and its usually 70’sf nutients are in the pics i feed 5ml of each once a week ( the fulvic stuff only like 2-3 ml every 2 weeks ) and the great white like 2-3 ml as well but once a week ) thats all the info i got out of the list yall gave me but i took this pics 1 hr ago they kinda look a lil better? i took off the real bad leaves last night so i guess that could be why it looks better to me but idk this only my 5th grow and my 2nd in a grow tent 3rd indooroh yeah and soil is fox farm happy frog and ocean forest about 40% OF and 40% HF i got about 20% roughly of some bag of shit i got from my local grow store ( not weed like normal grow store ) i hate the soil but they was out of fox farm that day and my seeds all had long ass tap roots… idk the name off hand but its always soaking wet LIKE TOO WET i have squeezed it and water came out my hands its that wet… but me n my ma use it all the time but only for our outdoor garden ( veggies fruit herbs ect ) never had a problem…

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They look just fine to me. The tips are just a tiny bit brown and that is the way I run mine. That is either a tad too much nutes or a tad bit too much water. They look really healthy, so you’re doing just fine. if you have some fill up the pots a bit more.



nah i want to say they are bcuz it looks like they are doing great besides a few leaves but theres some WEIRD shit going on… im bout to take each plant out 1 by 1 and look at shit i found some WEIRD SEMI SEE THRU orange stuff on some leaves i riped off earlier but they werent movie and still havent but its something i never seen b4 and cant with the naked eye i got pics and a couple leaves here n there have just pieces missing and they werent missing like a week ago i can remember that forsure… idk this is crazy… ima post pics in a hr or so tops and another update also i saw ( n got a lil video of it ) some weird i wanna say worm thing? i got it out the dirt it was small tho like under a inch maybe a half inch? skinny and not a earth worm thats 100% it had like jaws and shit and was like tripping out i assume bcuz it got kidnapped and was scared but was bitting and thrashing around what i THINK was just dirt? ill post that 2 i didnt mention it bcuz it didnt seem important but now i kinda think something weird is afoot…


i got some crazy videos of some of those worm ish things itll take a while cuz i got to clip just to send to email then clip from computer just to put on here so il have em up by tomorrow
in mean time can anyone tell wth that is?


That looks like some small fungus fly. I would get some yellow sticky traps


in case to catch the fliers and some mosquito bites for fungus gnat larva. Jut soak a few mosquito bits in the water you give the plants and it will kill any larva. @Slym3r posted some liquid stuff he uses and cant remember what it was.


Id lower this if i was you. When i veg i sit at 5.8ph and when i flower i creep it up to 6.2ph. Also like @sssportsmfg said add some more dirt. A ruke of thumb when plant almost any plant. Always make sure you put the plant in the pot and the soil needs to be at the height the original one was. Part of the plants root ball is above the soil and that can dry the roots to where there stopping them from growing. Its called air pruning. Roots will stop growing when they hit air. When i transplant i put as much of the stem under the soil as i can. Because it does 2 things.

  1. Makes the roots grow from the stem thats under the soil.
  2. The increased roots off the stem make the plant root system stronger.

Cannabis plants will use every bit of the soil if they can. Heres a root ball/square pic from one my autopots. Its all rootbound because there is only roots now. There was probably 2/3 pot full of promixhp when i started the grow. I took a 1 gallon potted plant and stuck it in an auto pot and filled in the sides and corners with a little more pro mix.


yeah i kno all that about the soil i got 1.5 cubis feet of ocean forest and 1.5 of happy frog and it still couldnt fill 16 3 gals all the way… i got more coming from amazon tomorrow i got a addy problem ( least im off the heroin lol!) and its me and 2 others and we just had to redo a roof and hotwater heater AND furnace in a span of the last 6 months… we are financially TAPPED but i shoulda prioritized my plants but its kinda hard cuz i dont smoke weed any more atleast VERY rarely… its a long story but growing and being able to hook up friends for cost gives me some bit of joy and i could use every last bit i can get lol… also why ph so low? i read that its like 6 something to like 6.8 ish if i any mistaken? thats another thing so much conflicting info online… i also have the mosquito bits i broke some up and put some in the pots and i also put 1 in my water tank like 5 days ago also i had yellow stickes in the pot sense they were seedlings i actually just put new 1s in ( they been without for a few days ) shits wild man maybe im expecting instant gratification and results? i read soil grows take days or weeks before u notice what ever u put it is that legit
? if so maybe i need to just try n leave em alone for a lil bit lol…

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bruh i never heard of a worm acting like that…lol… igot a 6 min vid of it so if any1 needs more just lmk it takes a lil bit to clip it but if need be i will


Well me thinks you have either flying ants or termites, it sure isn’t a worm (first video.) Then on the roots, you have a larva of some kind, on the leaves not sure couldn’t identify.

So now I have to ask you this question…where did you get your soil? You seen to have multiple pathogens which all point to your adding in or using some severely contaminated soil.



Morning Prey…

What size autopot system did you get? Looks like that system is kick ass, those roots look stellar. I have been eyeballing the autopots for a while now. from the looks of the stem you took it to flower in that pot.

My arthritis is getting to the point that I am going too have to get some kind of auto watering system…and the autopot seems to be the ticket. I sure don’t want to get into a pump/emitter timer system. Do you have a pic of the plant when you pulled it? I am leaning toward their 4 pot system with the air stones in the bottom with the air plate.

Thanks for any info you can give me on them. +/-



so the small but long worm looking thing is what u say might be a flying ant or termite? and the orange stuff in the pic with the jewlers loop that is larva possibly? i didnt post a pic with any plant roots in it so just lil confused on that 1 and i see what u mean by termite now the 1 with the wings i just googledit yah it does look like it coulda been that i hope not i dont want my house to fall apart! lol…


ima find out what soil i got exactly and ill post a pic of it or atleast the name i can figure it out the place is like 2 min from my crib also i got a bag of fox farm coming tonight i was gonna fill up the rest of the pots so what do u suggest i do? i dont wanna waste the soil if i need to do something else completly u kno?