Yet another power supply!?!

Part of our approach is to get people to reuse what they already have (our controller moto is “making your dumb kit smarter” ) as such we chose not to include a 5v Micro USB power supply as standard and made it an optional extra. Trying our bit to reduce the clutter, something we believe is worth making a point about.

Given how common place these types of power supplies are these days, most of us have old phone chargers in a drawer, do you expect it to be included as standard or not?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Meh couldn’t care either way

0 voters


I go through cords on a monthly basis.

So I’m always looking for a good hookup.

If there are two identical products on the shelf where one has the cord and the other one does not which one would you buy?


We get an interesting mix of responses, almost 50/50 in terms of it being a must have. As the optional extra seems to satisfy the broadest number of people.


While I am inclined to say that I expect it to be included in the packaging (and was a bit curious when I opened up mu Minder packaging only to discover the power supply absent), I also believe in sustainable solutions to common problems. I like this idea to minimize clutter! Thanks for the explanation @PLGrowSystems!


Why are you so abusive to your cords, my bearded brother? :thinking:

I agree with you here @bryan.eden, but at what point do you just have TOO many of those micro USB cords? I must have a drawer with 30 of them at this point!

I was stoked when I was finally able to use one of the spare cords I had laying around for my Minder.

That being said, @PLGrowSystems, I think when it comes to e-commerce, you should be very explicit in your online checkout to have folks be able to opt in/out of the cord. Even have a window before a buyer even can enter card info that explains the no-cord philosophy. This will save on much confusion in the future. There’s my two cents.


This right here would solve any doubt that I would have about making my purchase.

And ya I do go through them a lot more than the normal consumer. Can I blame it on my fiancee? How about the cat? Lol!

@PLGrowSystems I do enjoy the initiative you are taking as a company to get feedback from the consumers. Keep it up guys.