You must grow with water that is designed to grow and maximize yield quality … call us for consuls 206-602-4499

Excessive minerals in your water create what’s known as “hard” water. Hard water can impact the life of your water-based appliances and cause buildup within your pipes and even decrease your water pressure.

It will decrease your volume, and increase your pressure.

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Calcium and Magnesium are “hard-water” constituents conventionally, other naturally occurring metals prevent the grow, up taking the right nutrients, the grower is totally responsible for NPK ratio and quantity for optimal yield, the circadian rhythms of the plants are also in play. So the purer the water, the more predictable controls you have over bud or flower or quality. One can “push” the grow with/ via manipulation to a desired effect, character or growth.

GMO water? Do we really need that?

No one can beat the growth that pure rain water offers plants. Love a good rain and then sunshine to watch my garden grow. Even if you harvest the rain water, its not the same. I live on lime belt, so our borehole water we pump is hard water, known as brak water around my parts.

GMO water? Do we really need that?

Sadly we probably heading that way in life. We are having such water issues around my area, mismanagement of water plants, and lack of accountability has polluted all our water systems. Two towns around me have not had water for months. Madness.

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A bit busy or I’d research it myself but how does your product differ from a kdf catalytic filter?

You missed my point entirely, I copied and pasted that from your web site. ANY time you DECREASE the size of a pipe carrying water ( i.e clogged up with minerals ) it INCREASES the pressure not lowers it. It RESTRICTS the volume.


Or is it just as simple as running a kdf filter on a ro and hell toss in a re mineralization carts on there and off to the races

In reality everywhere on earth has unique water characteristics and requires some sort of treatment, to get to tabula rasa. Believe it or not we found “uranium” in EASTERN WASHINGTON water and If that doesn’t bring my point home. I wear hose shoes!

Would you just use the right filter on stage 2, I have had to remove arsenic and uranium at one of my grows in harriots field n.s. if u want to see the water I was dealing with, well known place u don’t drink from the tap, I remember the cartridge was bright green not blue