Zodaka: The Payment Solution for CBD/Cannabis

Hey everyone! Just wanted to share some educational info about Zodaka the payment gateway for cbd and cannabis companies. @DispensaryOwners @growopowners If you would like some more info please feel free to reach out to me at @dean-zodaka!


Stock options available? Just askin’


Bumping this topic to learn more.

@dean-zodaka What types of businesses in this industry are you currently working with that are benefiting from this type of payment solution?

Thanks in advance!

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@GNTeam I’d be happy to explain who benefits from using Zodaka!

We work with all different types of companies who have to operate as a high-risk entity. CBD and cannabis are our bread and butter at the moment. We don’t use credit cards, which negates the risk of regulatory shutdowns and high fees. As long as someone has a US based checking account, we can get them up and accepting payments within a week. The only two facets of high risk we don’t touch, due to ethical concerns, are kratom and online gun sales!


Wow, sounds like an easy switch for your customers who use credit cards to eliminate that headache. Also sounds like this relieves the high risk merchants from focusing on payment failures or anything of the sort within their businesses.

Totally understandable!

Thanks for your explanation @dean-zodaka!