2020 Ladi's outdoor living soil

Wow really! Man i sooo wish i could grow outdoors


Why the fuck can’t you bro… Get shit done crew 1 or 2 doesn’t smell that bad lol @PreyBird1


@Ladithief where can I find your living soil recipe @scotty17 spoke of. I’m interested if it’s available.

@beths journal 22 days ago LoL… I remember the craziest shit when I read and my mind takes information in

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Here it is. Thank @Ladithief
here is 27cubic feet in a cubic yard… just remember for you mixing… and you need 1.75 cubic yards or approx 48 cubic feet…

Once again this is my mix for 410/yd… and how to water with only teas and some foliars… compare with what they offer for 400/yd…

Base soil mix:

1:1:1: CSPM (Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss) : Pumice/Lava rock : Compost - Malibus B/U is an excellent choice if it is available in your area.

Amended per cuF with:

1/2 - 1 cup Neem or Karanja

1/2 - 1 cup Kelp

1/2 - 1 cup Crab/Crustacean meal

1 cup MBP (Malted Barley Powder)

1/2 cup Gypsum (nice sulphur source)

4-6 cups Basalt

6-8 cups Biochar

Small handful of worms per container In beds, lets say 4x8 for example, something like a handful per 2x2 area is more than plenty. I’ve seen quite a number of instances where a very large number of worms are started with and while there is nothing wrong with that I feel it not only detracts from the purpose but is wholly unnecessary as worms will regulate their population in containers so you risk simply a huge waste of money and worms right out the gate. IMO it is better to start with a small amount and allow your mini ecosystem to develop ‘naturally’ and soil life will find it’s own balance that is most appropriate for any given size body of soil - make sense?

Keep in mind, if you build a soil that at least somewhat resembles the recipe above, the addition of worms (or not) at the beginning will not make one iota of difference. It is in the long term where the benefit of a diverse healthy soil life, including worms, that you will see a benefit……and please please do not skimp on the humus portion of your soil mix, as my good friend Coot has said, “get your humus right, and the rest is like a pleasant drive through the countryside.” And I’m sure there’s a number of variations on that quote, some not as savory as others! LMAO!!

Here’s an example of a tried and true watering schedule (because I personally used it for years) to use from day 1 to ensure your plants are being pushed to ‘peak health’ and expressing their full ‘genetic potential.’:

Day 1 Plain water

Day 2 No watering

Day 3 MBP top-dress watered in with Aloe/Fulvic/Silica (agsil or your silica source of choice)

Day 4 No watering

Day 5 Plain water

Day 6 Neem/Kelp tea

Day 7 No watering

Day 8 Plain water

Day 9 No watering

Day 10 Coconut Water

Day 11 No watering

REPEAT - Beginning to end, no changes needed for various stages of growth, simple enough right


Thank you, @scotty17


Thank you, @PreyBird1 and @Ladithief


I tried outdoor it smelt bad and was getting taller than my corn. And its actually what started my indoor growing operation now.

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Oh look what happened today

Hvac fixed :scream::scream::scream:



Nice and cool now right! When the cooler goes down im that guy. I fix it. Lol sucks but im free.


I am going to grow y Hermit Cookies as tall and thick as I can…lol… not training just growing…lol…the guy that bred it told me it will grow tall if I don’t do something… so lets just see what tall is…lol…


This is it now… 61"…


Watching the show.


…lol… accidentally put this on last years thread…lol…



I can’t wait till October LoL… Killing it @Ladithief :facepunch::seedling::herb::palm_tree:


Fucking day fucking sucks fucking big time… in 36 hours my dog went from ok with cancer… to being put down…If I am vacant for a bit just respect it…she was my girl and far more valuable than any human even my parents…


Sorry brother… Leaves a big hole in the heart… I know the feeling… My condolences!!


Oh shit…poor little girl. We are with ya man. Terrible to lose one. I prefer dogs and animals to the human race anyways. Take all the time needed brother.

For you @Ladithief
I hope it helps a little bit friend.

She Was Just My Dog
By Unknown Author

She was my other eyes that could see above the clouds;
my other ears that heard above the winds.
She was the part of me that could reach out into the sea.

She had told me a thousand times over that I was her reason for being;
by the way she rested against my leg;
by the way she wagged her tail at my smallest smile;
by the way she showed her hurt when I left without taking her along
(I think it made her sick with worry because she was not along to care for me).

When I was wrong, she was delighted to forgive.
When I was angry, she clowned to make me smile.
When I was happy, she was joy unbounded.
When I was a fool, she ignored it.
When I succeeded, she bragged.
Without her, I am only another person.
With her, I was all powerful.

She was loyalty itself.
She had taught me the meaning of devotion.
With her, I knew a secret comfort and a private peace.
She had brought me understanding where before I was ignorant.
Her head on my knee could heal my human hurts.
Her kisses on my tears washed away my bad feelings.
Her presence by my side was protection against my fears of dark and unknown things.
She had promised to wait for me…whenever…wherever…in case I need her.
And I expect I will — as I always have — she was just my dog.


That was an amazing poem… I wouldn’t know what I would do without my little penny girl now… I lost 2 of my own Brody and Mason they were my boys … Brothers of the same mother… I’ve never cried so hard in my life… 10 years don’t want to talk about how they died… @Ladithief time always heals but you always think about her from time to time… It’s the bond you never forget… But 2 years later I found my little penny to teach and love


Little penny girl sleeps by my side protects my little patio and just runs this place while I’m at work lol… Id love to see what she looked like @Ladithief… Any pics? Sorry if I’m coming off strong I just know that feeling all to well bro bringing back painful shit