3 degrees of cannabis

they pretend it doesn’t exist… lmao long live Tim Curry!


Lol. Keep it classy Cincinnati…

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@Slym3r do you perchance play Yazz Flute?


btw… around 22 tornadoes hit last night in the midwest US. 3 states got their first ever recorded tornadoes in December. I had built a bus stop out of an old ice shack and placed it at the end of my driveway for my kids… it got blown over and rolled 270 degrees into the ditch bout 10 minutes after my kids got on the bus yesterday. but the power stayed on and im still warm lol. we got the same kinda winds to look forward to in the spring, but this is definitely the worst they’ve been in a long time.


@kuntrybudz is your crop ok? (The heartlessness of a veteran)


i don’t have anything left out there lol. our harvest is pretty much over by the second week of November, no matter how late we take em. im thinking about starting an indoor grow, but that won’t be for quite a while lol. was thinking about starting some seeds just to have something to take care of. i miss em in the off months lol


Glad you guys are safe and sound!

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so, question about long term storage of my cannabis… i usually smoke too quick to worry bout this, but it’s been almost 7 weeks now of curing (burping and jostling every day) and i wanna know if i can let them sit without worrying now. should i still burp each jar like once a week or once a month? i’m hoping what i have will last another 3 or 4 months at least, and don’t want it to “go bad” if i stop burping them. thoughts and tips are welcom.


I use bovida 62% packs, I usually only open my containers about 2 times a month after curing. I should add that I have small containers to transfer small amounts to for daily use.


Lol there’s nothing wrong at all with smoking the pucks.


Merry Cannabis and Hempy New Year to everyone! Or, Sativas Greetings if that’s your thing! Remember to spread the Good Herb!
Stay safe, stay high, and eat, smoke, and be merry

When your puff from the bong is hot, well that sucks

When you forget to put water in the bong, well that sucks too

When you forget that the clear fluid is 99% rubbing alcohol as you inhale that rip… THAT BLOWS!!!


That shits poison man you OK… bummer, how do your lungs feel?


Yeah, it was a pretty awful experience. Far worse than the Gas Chamber in basic training.

Almost instantly I could smell that something was way off. Pretty sure the little smoke that made it past my mouth was coughed out.




There’s a product called kryptonite. You can get it at most smoke shop. You just squirt in in and coat everything with it and then pour as much as you can back in the bottle and leave the stuff in your bong or bowl or whatever sit for a half hour and it rinses clean. :+1:t3:

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i’ve worried about that before. we used to fill our bongs with crown royal… but i bet that ISO burned way worse!

found this interesting, wondering what you guys think. looks like more of a preliminary study, but it’s somewhere to start… and looks promising.

@kuntrybudz Yeah mate, I saw it too! Not sure what to think of it yet. I’m looking for a more objective document, like a published medical study first.