Got some news in from the PhD Master Grower from Mesa Organics in Colorado.
This was a new venture for us. Hydroponic EBB & Flow system, very minimal input, under LED’s, in recycled glass. I didn’t have much data on hydroponic grows and wasn’t completely sure how we would do. Since it was a new venture, I lived dangerously and offered up a feeding regimen that was 1/2 of our current advised rate for hydroponics 2.5ml per gallon at every flush. Which here was every 2 weeks. I am happy with his response. The test was only 4 weeks long in flower. Tests to come on the babies in the pictures from clone to flower. He had this to say…with actual data on THC/CBD % increases to come soon.
"Hey Cody, I’m not sure if Dr. Flood received any pictures from me. I’m forwarding them to you just incase… I will get pictures off them as we harvest tomorrow for you…I have seen an increase in trichome production on this harvest vs. last one…I stopped using Diamond nectar completely, Which is a humic acid additive also… I did not see any decrease in nutrient uptake or any negative reactions from the plants by doing this. Once we harvest i will get back to you with more detailed information along with the potency test difference.
Thanks Cody,
Best, Greg "
Here are some pictures. Another one in the books, who else wants to pioneer our development and test us against our claims. It’s free More pictures and awaited testing results to come!