4 site RDWC system

Nice system :v:t2:


It’s a modular system i built it so it can have 4,8 or 12, sites.


Looking good.


Nice work :v:t2:


alright it looks like this one is finally starting to grow now that she has made some more roots.

Overall were looking good. They have drank about 1.5 gallons. But im gonna let the water level drop until tonight after work to make the root reach down more and work a bit more.


nice grow PreyBird…roots looking healthy…
mine always grow into a single …they twist around to form the main tap


You just need bigger net pots. I like 6"


When i built this sysyem i researched more about the roots and how they can get into the water tubing and clog it up. I have another system and it had like 1" tibing and it started to clog up with roots. So i made the larges pvc tubing i could get that was reasonably affordable because it gets very expensive for bigger PVC pipes. I looked for bulkheads for 5 days before i found the best price in Australia! So ill find what I want and then find the best prices and ill spends days weeks looking for what im after until i get the best costs.


Tonight’s update


maybe but I believe having that large single tap going down into the reservoir and then spreading out delivers more nutrients to the plant…have a great smoke session today growmie…


Ok they are growing great now. I feed them last night and they already drank 2 gallons for nutes.

This little one is starting to take off now also.

She finally got here legs/roots going


morning PB…grow is looking great …nice clean setup…


Hey whats up man @retiredoldguy i get up really early like 4am. I like to have two 4:20’s a day! And then i work all F’n day. Here’s how they look tonight there growing fast now.


Nice work looking good , ladies are drinking


morning growmies…


Damn guys i FUCKED UP. i had bought this lemon cat nip plant at a nursery for $1.50 because i have cats. Well the plant had all these little speckles and it looked like a powdered fertilized was sprinkled on the plants. I though nothing of it and left the plant in the hydro tent for some more light. Well i was inspecting the plant and i instantly noticed one leaf one my plants had little speckles?!? And i knew that it was mite bite but i almost was like no way theres is nothing in the grow thats new? I removed that leaf and guess what i found.

Yeah found this little sneaker! Yeah i messed up big time taking that stupid plant and putting it in the grow. I knew where the mites came from… the fucking cat nip plant. So i started looking at the plant and look at this shit.

God damn it! Well i already removed the plant and any leaves with bites which was 2 leaves. And i treated all the plants with dakine420 Flatline organic pest control for mites and aphids. This is why i still hand water, not only am i watering im inspecting for pests. We get thrips here every year in the garden. And they can get inside the grow and they usually do and i kill them every year when it happens.

Yep i can spot these little bastard really fast. Im going to do some more plant moving around today and will be spraying everything again in case.


damn man that is not cool…hope you got it in time


Im sure i got em and since the plants are still small i can wipe off all the other leaves pretty easy. But mites are apex bugs very hard to kill. Unfortunately for me ive dealt with mites a lot before and i keep a huge arsenal of bug killers. Trick with mites is you have to have more than one type of killer on hand and you need to rotate between them every 3 days. So heres the official standings of me vs mites and how they stack up.
Wins vs loses.

There a serious threat! And need to be handled fast ruthlessly!

Here is some of my loses to mites. They move very fast! No really they do and they can travel on the silk string webs like spiders. They float around and get everywhere in a grow room. And plants touching others plants is bad! Then they have bridges to other plants and the cycle continues


I had to learn how to handle these nightmares and im confident ill win this round. I researched a lot about mites and females once they touch a male they are pregnant for life! And females outnumbers male mites at 3-5 times so there serious.

Spider mites can be tough to get rid of. Many farmers have experienced the spider mites’ famous disappearing act. It’s common for them to appear to be gone, allowing you to breathe a sigh of relief, only to come back with a vengeance a few days or weeks later. They also carry an incredible amount of resistance, meaning if you treat them with sprays, they can quickly become immune to whatever you do to try to kill them. If you don’t take care of your spider mite problem with a total eradication in your grow space, you might soon find you have a population of super mites who have built up an insecticide tolerance. These are often referred to as “borg” spider mites. BORG man ewwww. MITES ARE A SERIOUS PROBLEM!


Anyways here’s an update.

The smallest one is taking off. Hopefully she can catch up!


Ok these are already getting to big i think im gonna top them then flip or just flip them? Every time I let them get bigger and flip. they flower slow and strech forever it seems like.