4th indoor 1st with rdwc and coast of main

So now time to reset and fire up the next grow new MARS HYDRO FC 8000-EVO SAMSUNG LM301H EVO 800W light now in 5x5 should fill that nicely :sunglasses: and have sprouts already in humidity dome i got 1 pluto cut from ethos, 2 orange sherbert autos 420 fast buds and 1 chatty cathy waiting for the second one to sprout yet , if needed I’ll drop another seed



So going with coast of main soil this round :metal::grin:


Then rdwc this is where I’ll put the autos orange sherbert with a mindset that the autos will hopefully be more manageable :pray: this will be a fallponic setup 2 13 gal buckets for plants 1 13 gal res outside tent got this from pa hydroponic ( garys rig)

More to come as i get things setup
Ohh and i also have an Alaskan ice clone in a 3 gal fabric pot with fox farm happy frog which is still giving issues with ph??? Must have gotten a couple of bad bags maybe all are welcome here ​:metal::grin::beer


So will try and catch you up to where im at now as i started this thread over on ilgm so bear with me :metal::100::beers:


Plant’s were put in thier places on 3/8/24
So almost 10 days in


This is my first clone i cliped from my last grow of Alaskan ice moved it from my 5x5 to my 3x3 as its further along then the seedlings


did my 1st rez change on 3/11, got a brute 32 gall trash can so i can mix up 30 gal. Of silica, nutes and southern AG then just pump into rez , still working on the process to streamline it as much as possible, but wasn’t bad at all, i used a transfer pump this round next time will use a submersible pump and garden hose to sink should help shave time off

3/11 mix fresh batch for res
Silica 60ml mix in well
Jacks 4/2 i went with 3.8/1.8 part a then part b no epsom just to keep ppm down a bit these are auto flower orange sherbert , should be fine at full strength but just being a wuss :rofl: . After that is all mixed up then southern AG 60ml then i still needed ph down, got it ph’d to 5.95, close enough and ppm going in was 960


The clone gets a haircut later today :grin:
She’s making that 3x3 look small now

This was suposed to be on 3/12


Also coast of maine girls are chugging along


clone looked VERY unhappy yesterday on 3/12


So i skipped trimming and watered instead she’s drinking more then i thought, you definitely don’t want to do this i lost track but can cause stress so advisable to water before this happens :metal::rofl: anyway these plants are resilient next morning plant is much happier

Trimmed on 3/13
Still needs some more i think but good enough for now at least i can get more air flow thru her :metal::100:



Water pluto cut and chatty cathy with ph 6.41 ppm 150 100ml each

Clone got fed , jacks 4/2 ratio and seaweed extract in at ph 6.92 ppm 1110 runoff ph 6.17 ppm 1220

Rdwc holding steady at ph 6.05 ppm 980 62`f rez temp


Ok so i think that catches us up to today :metal::100::beers::grin:

Appreciate any and all input and criticism :+1::grin:


Nice man. So havnt fully read it all have u tried jacks at part a 4g and part b 2g per gal. By upping the a and b parts thatlittle but makes up for the lack of epsoms by adding the Xtra calcium altering the numbers. So far from start to finish it seems to do a swell job cuts down on the salts a lot and I didn’t see so much build up like when using the epsoms. Plants r looking happy and healthy tho nice work.


I agree on that for Jack’s this is my second try with it at 4/2. And thanx for the compliment for sure im still learning always learning :metal::beers::grin:


Me too. There will always be a day we get a new wrinkle in the brain. I e earned multiple since starting to grow. Hell my wife is still amazed that I do so well as I am one with like 0 patience and this tends to take patience in ways. Really gets her I can sit and trim plants so calm and all and I cannot sit in traffic for 5 minutes without flipping out but I can spend 8 hrs trimming plants to music and not have a care in the world. Guess ilike playing with plants and not so much in traffic. Lol. Michigan drivers r terrible tho.


Lol dude i feel your pain :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Oh snap. Thanks for making me golook for new coco I believe it was u I said I needed new. Maybe someone else. Just found canna coco bricks for 15.08 a brick. That’s half the cost on Amazon. Feel like I just got the lotto. Told my wife order me 10 for now. Order is in. Lol.


Awesome brother :metal::beers::100: always good to save money :moneybag:


Hell yeah. 30 bucks a brick on Amazon. Nutz.


If u use coco. Htgsupply.com


:metal::beers: cool brother thanx :sunglasses:


Did a little training on the clone last night to get canopy a little more even, haven’t flipped her yet but probably soon :grin::beers: