4th indoor 1st with rdwc and coast of main

starting to show some color :+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


4/30 update
Feed clone Alaskan ice
In ph 6.71 ppm 960
Out ph 6.84 ppm 1050
Com girls pluto and chatty fed 1/4 cup organic food stonington blend
In ph 6.64 ppm 120 (well water)

Hydro top off
Rez starting at ph 5.34 ppm 910
In ph 6.3 ppm 120 (well water)
Check in a couple hrs
Ph 5.51 ppm 810

Here’s the clone Alaskan ice :metal::100:

Chatty cathy looking a little sad :pensive:

A little water perked her up nicely :boom::beers::grin:

Pluto cut showing lots of promise by the looks of these budz :metal::beers:

Orange sherbert just took over the tent, can’t wait to try the smoke :sunglasses::boom::metal::beers:

Stay lit my friends :sunglasses::grin::beers::metal:


Moved clones today from klone king to rapid rooter plugs in aci propagation dome only had small roots after 3 weeks so time to try something new. Did have one the has good roots going that i put on the window sill , go figure. :rofl: had to put that on in a 1 gal. Pot as roots were too big for the rapid rooter plug



Try putting your clones in the rapid routers on a heat mat at 78°. That’s how I’ve always done cloning. Either in small rock wool or plugs. Small, delicate clones, usually taken 7+ days, and the ones that are more woody around 10 Days or a little more. :+1:t3::v:t3:


This was a little tiny branch that was about 3/4 of an inch long with one leaf on it. Stuck it in a Pete plug with some Clone X And had roots showing in seven days. :+1:t3::v:t3:

(I put the plugs in cups a few days ago.)


Yup i gotta try something different im struggling with the cloner king for some reason so maybe heat mat would help , thanx for stopping by and giving me some tips, i appreciate your time :sunglasses::100::metal::beers:


Ueah i found out when i was in spil to let them dry to a slight wilt seemed to do vetter than watering before they got dry dry. I have tried this with coco also but it dont go so well lol. Looking nice man.


Donu have a pump and mister in the cloner?? If so u shouldnt need a heat mat too warm of water is not good for the roots will cause slimy stems and such and slimy roots when they start. Cooler water under 70 between 65 and 70 should do good. I run a clo er no heat mats or anything and i never ever have issues at all. Mix clonex solution with ro or tap water it dont matter. Clonex solution at up to 10 ml per gallon so if ur tank hokds 2 gallons fill it add 20ml of clonex solution mix wrll and ph it. When u snip a cut it dont matter on an angle or strait cut never hurt either way here. Snip a cut and dip it in clonex gel right away. Snip it cut all leaves off but the top leaves dip it and drop it in a cup of ro water not tap distilled works also. When u have all cuts cut and dipped and ready for cloner put all in collars and set it to run and spray leave it 3 to 4 maybe even 5 days add distilled or ro water only nothing else to top it off and close it and leave it. U should see bumps or roots on stems already by now the dresh water will kick off the process within a day or 2 u should see roots if u didnt on most if not all cuts. Leave them go for atleast a week or til roots are atleast 3 inches long or more if u want just dont let them tangle up in the rez once roots r 3 pkus inches then transplant to spil if new spil i would suggest to take soil in a nice tight knit strainer and run water phd thru it to wash out some to most of the hard nutes if its a stronger soil. Use mykos and great white at transplants if u do but plant it soak it down with a mid to 3/4 strength nutrient til runoff drain runoff out of tray and leave them be under the light til the show u they r doing something usually a day or 2 will see if they r responding good or not. Set the ph of the cloner with clonex to 5.8 ph for ur spil at 6.5 to 6.8 area.


Ill give your advice a try on my next clone run gonna try chatty cathy next so I’ll keep y’all in the know when i take some cuttings


I agree with Marc on not using the heat mat on your cloner. The heat mat comment was intended for in some sort of media. :v:t3:


Over due for an update so here it goes :beers:
5/4 and 5/5 were top off rez, those two girls are drinking pretty good now, been putting in between 3 and 4 gallons just about daily now and I’ve been dosing the top off water with silica, jacks, and southern AG so i haven’t done a rez change for about 4 weeks now and been trucking along pretty good so far, don’t know if this is the right way but if it works I’m going with it
Ppm been staying between 800 and 900 pretty steady and ph been between 5.5 to 5.9 with water temp at 64° and 67° f here’s some pics

Root porn :sunglasses:


Now on 5/6 time to feed the clone
In ph 6.67 ppm 990
Out ph 6.79 ppm 1115

Also Watered com girls

In ph 6.54 ppm110 ( well water)

Alaskan ice :ice_cube: :grin:

Pluto and chatty :sunglasses:


5/9 watered com girls and fed pluto 1/4 cup B&B , chatty is still in veg till my clone is done so will get fed next week with just stonington organic plant food, also checked on clones since moving them into rapid rooter plugs and ACI humidity dome and winner winner chicken dinner!!! All have rooted not sure why I’m having a hard time with the clone king :thinking: but at least i found something that worked for me :metal::beers::sunglasses::100:


5/9 top off rez
Starting ph 5.08 ppm 1040

Added 4 gallon ph 6.05 ppm 970
Added silica , jacks, southern AG

5/11 topped off 4 gallons again
Starting ph 5.62 ppm 1080
In ph 6.2 ppm 930
Circulate for about 2 hrs.
Ph 5.74 ppm 1070

5/12 feed clone Alaskan ice
In ph6.56 ppm 1040
Out ph 6.76 ppm 1330

Com girl chatty got waterd
Ph 6.39 ppm 120
Skipped pluto still kinda heavy

5/13 rez top off 4 gallons
Starting ph 5.56 ppm 1160
In at ph 5.92 ppm 110 (well water)
Couple hrs. Later ph 5.62 ppm 1030

Only added silica and southern AG as ppm was starting to stack it appears it did get the ppm down so i guess that worked :metal::100:

Pluto cut is starting week 8 of flower in a few day’s pot still a bit heavy so held off on watering

5/14 feed clone
In ph 6.35 ppm 1040
Out ph 6.6 ppm 1220

Checked hydro
Ph 5.54 ppm 1070

Didn’t top off, i meant to but got stoned and forgot :rofl::rofl::rofl: so will top off tonight now for some sports illustrated budz photo shoot :metal::rofl::100:

Clones are also trucking along nicely :metal::100::beers:

Stay lit everyone :metal::100:


Very nice @zudnik!!


Thank ya sir appreciate that :metal::beers:


Looks great. Maybe defol the insides of the big bushy ones they r far enough along now defol will open up all inner buds to get a little more light and let alot more air flow thru the canopy and help prevent mold or rot.


Ive been saying that the last couple weeks :rofl::rofl::rofl: you see how far ive gotten :rofl::rofl::rofl::beers:. Maybe tonight will be the night I actually do it :metal::100:


That’s a heck of an update looking good. :+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


Oh yeah you got growing fever lol. I love it man! Lol i had to cut back on my growing room and im still making too much weed. I had to buy a wood chipper to chop up the waste i have. But its easier to hide that shit when its chipped up and you add some old dirt to it and leaves and just put it in the trash. Or i have to burn itm it not legal here so i do not put sensitive shit in the trash. I have a yard wast can here the city charges $7 a month for it and im always throwing weeds and yard shit in it. Sometimes i have to throw away flower…Burning is really bad idea! I tried it in my big ass burn can and holy shit even thoigh i had pine tree branches at full roaring fire weed burns fast but the smell in those 3 minutes scares the shit out of me. When i trim plants i start up the smoker and get trimming.


I hear ya brother for sure already had more then enough weed from last grow, now holy shit, :rofl::rofl::rofl: gonna just give the 7 clones away don’t need em, but i am gonna clone the chatty cathy haven’t even flipped her to flower yet so yup lots of weed :rofl::rofl::100:. I definitely luv growing this shit for sure :grin::metal::beers: