4th indoor 1st with rdwc and coast of main

Yup came home today and super cropped the tree :muscle: and clone unfortunately i did snap a couple but tapped em up . First time i tried this so we’ll see how it goes :grin: i know probably wasn’t a good idea being an auto but but wanted to experiment a bit and see what happens and this girl obviously has good genetics :sunglasses::100::metal: im confident she will do well :beers::grin:

after topping off rez i look thru th window on the tent and the tree is freakin tipped over :rofl::rofl::rofl: so lesson here is zip tie those netpots down :metal::100: ended up using a 2 lb steel weight to hold it down to the bucket

Stay lit my friends :sunglasses::metal::100:


Hiw often donu change the rez. If kept stable u shouldnt have to change just top off with fresh nutes and a changeover when u switch to flower unless u see an issue do u run hydroguard in the rez also. It will help alot of nasty stuff forming in the rez.


I run southern AG a little cheaper to use as its concentrated so u will use less but same thing as hydro guard and been changing every ten to fourteen days just seems easier to start fresh been rolling pretty well so far so unless i see issues I’ll roll with it at least until I get a better handle on reading the plants. So if you need to add 2 gallons do you dose it at 2 gallons or the full 30 gallons? I’ve only been adding ph’d water and ppms and ph seems to hold steady at 6.0 ph and 1010 ppms :thinking:


I just mix 2 gals at full strength use per gallon and add that seened to do great with the autopots if u use 2 gals and rez is 4 or so to just add wouldnt do any harm at all unless u see byildup or anything pla t wise. Not changing so often will prolly save u alot on nute spending also. Lol


Jack’s 321 isn’t bad at all for cost honestly but yes i know others run with only adding as needed thruout I’m just being cautious being my first try at rdwc thank ya for your thoughts and tips greatly appreciate your time and help :grin::metal::100::beers:


4/18 clone got fed jacks 4/2 and seaweed extract
Numbers in were ph 6.15 ppm 900
Overshot my ph so ppm got slightly diluted
Runoff was ph 6.49 ppm 1140

Watered coast of main girls
Went in at ph 6.06 ppm 125
Watered to slight runoff, little over gallon each also fed them 1/4 cup of coast of main organc food. Should be good for another 2 weeks

Last but not least i topped off rez with ph’d Water 2 gallons ph 5.54 ppm 125


Annndd some root poorn :sunglasses::beers::metal:

Got some leaves showing slight rust spots but only a few on the big girl so gonna let it ride for now and just keep an eye on it
Stay lit my friends :metal::beers::sunglasses:


R the rust spots possibly from leaves perspirating some and the light magbifying that watwr bead to burn it. Is it like a progressive thing or just a spot here or there like a water damage spot??? Is this on the hydro plant??


So yes it’s the hydro ones only the bigger one at this time and only a handful of leaves are affected and only slightly the shorter one showed same thing when they were first started then cleared up so i was thinking its not a major concern as they both still look pretty happy what are your thoughts?


Your perspiration thought is definitely a possibility i can’t keep up with the dam fan leaves :rofl::rofl::rofl::100::metal:


Me either. Me and wife just steipped mine down well most of them today a little more but man is it ever a biotvh tondefol 8 big ass plants at once. Lol. Makes a huge difference in rh in the room tho. Lol. Ill post pocs layer qhen complete as my midnight snack r turning a nice purple already fast again.


Ok we got the scrog up and ready, that was a project :rofl::rofl::rofl: waited wayyy to long to put it up

And some close up shots :metal::beers:

Stay lit my friends :metal::beers::100:


Get to work today and checked my canna cam :rofl: and… S.O.B… no lights are on wtf. So figured they could wait till i get out of work i get home to find the dimmer isn’t working but the light works full power tho just dimmer stopped working so shot an email to marshydro as its not a yr old yet so hopefully they’ll replace the driver, probably won’t hear back till tomorrow I’ll keep everyone posted :metal::100: finally git a decent grow going and still get curves thrown atchya :rofl::rofl::rofl: gotta luv growing this sh.t , stay lit my friends :beers:


So marshydro got back to me needing more info so i got home Monday after work and the dam dimmer was now working :thinking: i don’t know what’s wrong but guess i can let them know that its working again :upside_down_face: any way plants needed attention today clone fed ph in at 6.2 ppm 1320
Out ph 6.49 ppm 1470

Com girls watered at ph 6.54 ppm 120 (well water)
Topped off rez with ph’d water
Ph 5.45 ppm 120 1.5 gallons

Check again in a couple hrs
Ph 6.2 ppm 870

Stay lit y’all :metal::grin::100:


Looking great @zudnik!


Thanx for the compliment bother, i appreciate that :metal::grin::100::beers:


Looking good man. Ja e u mived ur fingers up and down the dimmer knob wires make sure theres just not a loose or bad connection and it just happens to be making contact now to gwt it working. A loose wire will do it i jad a solder joint come off o e of mine a quick tap woth the solder iron and it was back to good.


Update time :metal: 4/28 feeding time for clone, jacks at 4/2 ratio seaweed extract 2ml per gal.

In ph 6.36 ppm 980
Out ph 6.69 ppm 1220
Top off rez 3 gal. 6ml silica 12g part a
6g part b 3ml southern AG

In ph 5.9 ppm 1060
Check in a couple of hrs …
Ph 5.62 ppm 850 63°f
Starting ph 5.51 ppm 820 63°f

Pluto cut is looking real nice with massive buds already getting strange colors on leaves im not sure on. we’re about 4 weeks into flower any thoughts are appreciated :metal::beers::100:
Stay lit my friends :beers::grin:


Very nice @zudnik!


Thank ya brother appreciate that!! :metal::beers: